RE: Serious topic # 20
NFL stadiums all have behavior rules for the fans...typically widely covered in the local media and published in a variety of ways. Guess the same would work for the new nude volleyball league. I for one think that there must berule requiring the audience to be is an sport/event who's time has come!
Of course, the non-nudist men will object by saying, "What if I have an erection?"
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Post #103macnudeSuper NudistHave you read and signed the Nudist Bill of Rights? RE: Serious topic # 21Was it Ray Charles or StevieWonder who first said, " All nudists are equally beautiful"?
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RE: Im detecting some fun herelol that was great and yes I am worried about my laundry detergent going bad maybe I should keep in the refrig
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Post #105Cheri_DonnaUltra NudistDoing what I can to positively promote nudism. RE: Im detecting some fun herelol that was great and yes I am worried about my laundry detergent going bad maybe I should keep in the refrig
Maybe not in the fridge but a plastic bag to keep it from sticking together from all this wonderful humidity in the Carolinas. :)
BTW, welcome to this community
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Post #106curt44319Super NudistShips are safe in the harbor, but that's not why ships are built ! RE: Serious topic # 21Was it Ray Charles or StevieWonder who first said, " All nudists are equally beautiful"?
Sorry, I hadn't noticed.
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Post #107macnudeSuper NudistHave you read and signed the Nudist Bill of Rights? Serious topic #22Do you ever feel like a Gold Fish?

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Post #108macnudeSuper NudistHave you read and signed the Nudist Bill of Rights? Serious topic # 23Do nudists need a sense of humor? Strip down. Look in a full length mirror.
Now answer.
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RE: Serious topic # 23I stripped down darn, now I have to buy another mirror. Forth one this week.
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RE: Serious topic #22Do you ever feel like a goldfish?
Hmm, nope, a salmon, tuna, snapper sometimes but never, ever a goldfish..
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RE: Serious topic #22I took the "don't fry bacon in the nude" to heart and always wear a BBQ apron. I've never been spattered. Today I cooked sausages in a clamshell cooker and when I walked past it to do something it somehow spattered me with grease. The moral is frying bacon is OK but wear armoured clothes when cooking sausages in a clamshell.
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