RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

I've been in contact with TT2 for most of my inquiries. I'm told that you, TT1, handle all/most of the technical portion of the site. My suggestion or question;
Why is easier to start a new group, with the same focus, instead of adding or changing the Administrator for that group? I've had to start new groups because existing similar group Administrators have not logged on in over a year and the group members want to contribute photos but cannot get them approved, nor can many join the group because the Admin has it set as "approval needed by Admin."
Why is it more difficult to just add an Admin or change the Admin to someone already in the group that is willing to take that group over?

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

A big Ah ha! Andydi. I have seen dead groups with no activity for extended period of time just never knew why.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Pages getting slow

Put the games into a forum that stop them appearing on latest posts.
Not many members are interested in them and it's annoying.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Pages getting slow

Some of the forum pages are getting very slow, almost unusable

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RE: Site Upgrades - Pages getting slow

Seems to be getting worse.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

I'd like to have a pop-up menu for the settings list. The current dropdown does not work properly on my tablet or phone browsers. I can't get to the logout. I do logout, but only because I've memorized the link string to type into the address bar. The drop-down action is browser dependent where the pop-up is more universal.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Pages getting slow

Some of the forum pages are getting very slow, almost unusableHELP!!!!!

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

My suggestion as a long time member is: for True Nudists is to have a new owner.I don't agree with that but perhaps it is time that the owners re-evaluated their goals and business model. Maybe they no longer have to be the largest nudist web site but it would be great if they were the best. Being the best is not necessarily having the most members, but having the most members who would give it an A+ rating.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

My suggestion as a long time member is: for True Nudists is to have a new owner.I don't agree with that but perhaps it is time that the owners re-evaluated their goals and business model. Maybe they no longer have to be the largest nudist web site but it would be great if they were the best. Being the best is not necessarily having the most members, but having the most members who would give it an A+ rating.I did prefer when the membership was smaller. There was more a feeling of "belonging", of friends gathering in the old chat room. Think the limit was 200 back then. Now there are so many who are constantly "away, could they not "fall off" the list?What I find exasperating is the newer members in recent years who just treat this as yet another throw away contact/date/chat website. They put damn all energy or input into the place.
One would suggest clearing the inactive profiles, so when you do a search, the person must have logged in within the last 12 months. Other websites Email you with a reminder/warning that if you do not sign in soon, your profile will close/be de-activated.I would suggest a rule where there has to be a minimum of details on a person's profile. It is getting tiring where the only details are N/A. Also, NO profiles without photographs, or if in sensitive occupations and feel they cannot put a photo up they must be verified.I would have us all verified, and perhaps all of us each pay a minimum to the dues and fees. At present, I see no advantage to throwing money at the place when everything I do is free. And every blow in off the internet highway has the same benefits!!

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

One of the most useful features I've seen on any social Forum is a "View History" button under the avatar of each post (or under the "More Info" button would be nice). With a click of that button, one can see a complete chronological list of that person's posts. I find that feature to be of more help in getting to know someone than even reading their profile.
And for those of us that post willy nilly and sometimes forget what we've posted to a certain thread, the View History list comes in handy for finding our own posts. For example, I may have already posted this suggestion... I don't remember... and don't have time to go back through the whole thread to find out!

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