Soundtracks ...

Facing the risk of creating far too many topics and boring you all with them, I couldnt resist creating a new one. Perhaps, for the 100th time, a cable channel here in Portugal is showing the first Basic Instinct. The movie caused a lot of stir, as we all know, due to its explicit sex scenes and that famous leg crossing featuring Sharon Stone. But one of the things that very few people ended up stressing out about the movie is its theme. Jerry Goldsmith created a fantastic, haunting, sexy and dark piece of music, thatfrom the moment we start hearing it, we are immediatly transported into this violent, sexy universe created by Paul Verhoeven. So the question here is: as far as movies that can be considered erotic thrillers or dramas, which one do you think had the best theme tune ?Personally, I think that Basic Instinct has the best soundtrack, but I also like song that Lisa Stansfield wrote and performed for the Indecent Proposal soundtrack - the first time I heard it, I read the commentaries on Youtube and it was the first time I read the expression "music to make babies while listening to", and for those of you who may not have heard it, here it is:

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RE: Soundtracks ...

Blade Runner is far from being an erotic thriller/drama, but this theme, composed by Vangelis, that somehow manages to makes us feel more and immersed in this strange relationship between Deckard and Rachel is truly unforgettable:

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