A very good take on male bonding, man! You rock. That's also an astonishing connection between naked friends and the paranoid frenemies. In a way, it makes perfect sense---those who weren't afraid to show you who they really are are the trustworthy ones, while the ones that hid their bodies obviously hid more than that from you. Your concept of male bonding is basically exactly in line with my own local group in SoCal, Guy Camaraderie. We are all about freedom from oppressive societal norms designed to keep us down, or more specifically, horribly outdated, self-deprecating, and closed-minded social expectations that cause us, as men, to be fearful and hesitant of being ourselves or expressing any kind of compassion or connection around others---especially other guys. Because it is generally expected of us to become emotionally and physically suppressed, we therefore tend to become the stereotypical male drone: secretly hurting and outwardly aggressive and/or distant. This is what is and was considered "being a man," and it desperately needs to stop! Moving away from that negative way of life, rife with a harmful, warped version of masculinity, and instead living life to the fullest, enjoying good company, and having fun without burden and judgment are what qualify as the core values of GC.
To give you a better idea of what we're about, we encourage: respect, conversation, spiritual connection, individuality, loosening up, playfulness, laughter, liveliness, casual drinking, swimming, camping, bonfires, friendly rough-housing and wrestling, sports, games, and most of all, not being afraid to experience genuine male bonding and brotherhood. Touching, holding, and massaging one other without fear of judgment or assumptions made upon sexual orientation is definitely encouraged. All of these things are 100% more fun and fulfilling nude! We discourage: bad attitude and/or hygiene, grabbing someone's junk or the like without courteously asking if it's OK first, anything contrary to what we encourage, and clothes ;]
Link to: Guy Camaraderie Group on True Nudists

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I agree with the other replies... this is a great assessment from personal experience. I've been enjoying nudity - at home - since I married 23 years ago. We didn't raise our kids in a nudist environment; and my wife was never nude around the house. However, I enjoyed the late evening freedom from clothing, the occasional late night sit on the deck nude, and definitely sleeping nude. Now that we're empty-nesters, we've looked into and joined a local nudist resort. My wife absolutely loves it. I've gotten to know a few guys there; but, we still feel like 'newbies'. I'm anxiously awaiting to become better friends with some of the guys. It seems nudity strips away some of the layers that people hide behind in the real world. E.g., you can't hide a tattoo when you're nude, you can't wrestle with body image when you're nude in front of others, etc... Seems like some of these guys at the resort are keeping their 'safe' distance because we met as a couple with our spouses. Maybe they don't want to cross a line? Maybe they don't feel they have the freedom to step outside the 'couple' label to hang out just as guys? Whatever the barrier, I wish I could tear it down for some of these guys. I really hate that I missed out on having nude friends all my life. "Just hanging out" nude with your guy friend(s)seems so nice to me right now. Male-bonding takes so many forms and is so rewarding if guys can just get over the negative social stigmas.

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Well textiles are fast to view nudity as a sexual thing and nude male'stogether as gay.And so are far to many nudists.

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very nice take on male bonding..I need some friends like you!!

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A thoughtful and meaningful message Wolverine. I think your analysis is fairly accurate, if my experience is any guide. Nude guysare just more honest with their friends.

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I think you're onto something, Wolverine.
I had a guy take my debit card from my wallet, spend about $400, then put it back before I knew he had used it. He was very repressed about being seen naked, and he played football! but apparently this younger generation all go home to shower. We worked out at the Student Rec Center together for a while, but he never changed clothes there, let alone shower. (I learned a long long time ago that I can keep my utility bill lower by using the hot water at the gym instead of my own place.) That's the only instance I have of someone stealing from me, but it matches your observation so I thought I would share.

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Too true.

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RE: nudistseeking

hello...I am a pure naturist and you know how difficult its to find other naturists but thanks to the awesome people at

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RE: nudistseeking

Done, Brawny. She's gone

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Great story to come out with and absolutely nothing wierd about it at all...There is a great line spoken by Richard Burton as Marc Antony in the film "Cleopatra"....when naked no one knows a general from anyone else...that sums it all up to me....Too much emphasis is placed on what you wear as to who you are....remember the old saying...never judge a book by its cover....
I used to go to a sauna that had male days where most if not all could be naked..most did( straights, gays, bis)but those that didnt were prudish and to be kept well clear of....ironically there was a private gym next door that was allowed to use our sauna facilities including the large sauna box. You could alwasy tell those from the gym, who were mostly the young guys, as they wore shorts all the wet too.....I dont know if they thought that if they were naked they would be jumped upon???? It seems the older ones and the regulars were the least bothered about nudity but the upcoming young fit guys were the prudes....
The old sauna...built in the 50s has now been closed down and new one built right next door....both run by the local council...the new one is just for exercise and health and no relaxing rooms as in the old place....Oh yes...there is now no mens days or nudity as seemsthats the way things aregoing nowup and down the UK these days.....such is progress !!!!!

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