pampus grass

i hate this stuff, years ago i planted this close to house as a cheap privacy screenng and now it looks like crap. needless to say i wacked outmost ofthe dead stuff and now i want to blink my eyes for it to disappear , have read all the ways to get rid of it and other than a backhoe $$$ i guess i could wrap a chain around it and either pull it out of ground or pull bumper off truck. after chopping at it other day i went to shower and it looked like someone took a switch to my legs - glad i wasn't nude gardening that day.

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RE: pampus grass

Have you tried putting a match to it - Need to be very carefulBut it gets it down to more manageable size - and then regular treatment with a weed killer will eventually discourage it

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RE: pampus grass

I've wrapped a long sheet around, bound it to be more manageable, chopping it and attacking the root area. wasn't easy but perseverance paid off.

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RE: pampus grass

right next to house so fire is out , chopping comes to mind and chainsaw with a long bar also does but this stuff seems almost indestructable from what i've read unless you dig it out.

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RE: pampus grass

Wow, did not know this stuff was like that. Must be a south thing. I know someone here who had a heck of a time getting it to grow (here is PA).

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RE: pampus grass

Mine got so bad that I had to dig it out with a back hoe. It seems like after 5yeats it just went crazy. Good luck!

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RE: pampus grass

I like mine. It's staying

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RE: pampus grass

There is no doubting it can look great. Just that unless it has plenty of space it becomes a bit hard to contain. It was certainly the rage 30 years ago, but i think many people overlooked the size of the mature plant, when selecting a location.

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RE: pampus grass

well i have some out in the back yard away from the house which is ok but it can get out of control, i've seen neighbors burn it to rid the old dead growth and it pops right back.

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RE: pampus grass

hellothere is only one way and that is hard work and elbow grease, chop back the steams then dig out the root a chain saw helps but the final bit has to be done by hand, I have done 1/2 dozen of these and its the only way good luck

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RE: pampus grass

Its a grass that should be called Pain in the Ass, Grass! We have them in California. Originally from Argentina in the Pampus Region where it gets its name. Beware, the leaves cut! Painful. People with allergies can suffer from these if the wind blows. I was helping a neighbor pull these from their yard. We wrapped it in a large Tarp then taped it together. Then we were able to dig them up. I suggested that he either gets a dumpster or pour kerosene on them and light them on fire. We eventually burned them on a semi-rainy day to keep the pollen and possible ambers from flying away. A few of his neighbors came to watch as there was nothing to do on a rainy day, but things will burn even in rain when soaked with kerosene. Best to burn in an open area away from structures. We dugged a hole in the ground and then slowly added them one by one, until they were all gone.
P.S. I do love gardening in the buff. Saves from washing clothes.

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