Unusual discovery

I just ran an software program called recuva which as the name suggest recovers deleted files from your computer. I was searching for some naked pics of myself I had deleted some time ago. However I was quite surprised to see it found several hundred nude pics I had never seen before, no idea where they came from or how they came to be on my PC.
I do know for certain I never downloaded / saved any of them. Handy little program though and free, google for it might save some embarrassment if your pc is being repaired.

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RE: Unusual discovery

Just Googled Recuva. Very interesting. Will download it later. Thank you!

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RE: Unusual discovery

Just got this info from PC News about it -
Pros -
Free, easy-to-use undeleting; includes secure-delete feature. Portable version runs from USB stick.

Cons -
Not as powerful as for-purchase alternatives; reports files as "unrecoverable" that are still on the hard disk in the same location.

Bottom Line -
Install this now before you need to undelete files, but be prepared to buy a more powerful alternative.

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recuva file recovery software

Thanks maturenudist57 for the information. Very useful and much appreciated.

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RE: recuva file recovery software

Thanks for recommending! This is useful.

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