June 14 Eugene World Naked Bike Ride info.

Someone asked me to find the info for them, an das long as I found it i figured I may as well post it.
Eugene World Naked Bike Ride, 4:30pm, Skinner Butte Park, 200 E. Cheshire Dr., call 484-1680. FREE.
I do not know if the route is a loop or just from point A to point B. It is always a goo didea to figure out a way to bring your clothes with you. I actually have a detachable basket for my bike, which I bought specifically so I'd have a place to carry clothes during naked rides. I put my clothes in my vright yellow backpack and put that into the basket, so the bright yellow on the backpack will also help cars see me better.
I myself, do not plan to ride in the Eugene WNBR,

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