Post #2deerunUndies OnlyCircle of LIFE rolls on !!! Keep smiling -Obey Site Rules should be followed by ALL. Many sites... RE: Nude in the backyardWe do too, front, back and both side yards, lol
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Post #3deerunUndies OnlyCircle of LIFE rolls on !!! Keep smiling -Obey Site Rules should be followed by ALL. Many sites... RE: Nude in the backyardAs of the last post (2 months ago) take it everyone is tending to those yards. wintertime shovel it and summertime mow it, never ends does it. Hopefully the sun will smile on y'all gently and may friends share the time with ya !
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RE: Nude in the backyardI go nude in the back yard as often as I can. Last week the neighbor lady was on her roof cleaning the gutters so I am sure she got an eye-full.
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Post #5mikenaturallyBarefootTo be Naked is to be Yourself, to be Naked with others is to be at Peace with the World! RE: Nude in the backyardI live in apartment block but have a sort of private garden although the lady upstairs can see into it but the recent hot weather prompted me to ask her if it was ok if I was naked to which she replied "you go ahead,it's your garden and it's natural" So now I have my morning coffee and do my gardening in the buff, have had sev chats with her leaning out of the window she's a lovely mancunian of Jamaican stock about 69 and very down to earth!
Here I am a cpl of days ago! Must ask her if she will pose with me!

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Post #6deerunUndies OnlyCircle of LIFE rolls on !!! Keep smiling -Obey Site Rules should be followed by ALL. Many sites... RE: Nude in the backyardMust agree bigsky 'bout doing something other than laying out. Do enjoy the scenery of mrs doing so, tho. Chores done naked seem less like work. If critters pass by then all seems like garden of Eden in our lil bit of paradise.
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RE: Nude in the backyardWe go nude in the backyard as much as possible, love the sun on our bums! Tony and Linda
The wife and myself spend a lot of time catching rays on our back porch together without any clothes. Today we went to a hot spring where I was nude all day, she still will not break out of her swim suit when around others. I did not dare press the issue today! Who knows maybe someday!
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Post #8deerunUndies OnlyCircle of LIFE rolls on !!! Keep smiling -Obey Site Rules should be followed by ALL. Many sites... RE: Nude in the backyardTo much time w/o a post. Cruising through decided to say hello. Looking forward to 2015 warmth from the sun.
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RE: Nude in the backyard
Trying to keep the dog in so putting up higher fence.
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RE: Nude in the backyardOur backyard is now completely private... As you can see in my profile pic I cut the grass in the nude
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RE: Nude in the backyardWe never wear clothes in the back yard. Spend as much time as we can out there enjoying the sunshine and the yard.
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