I have tried fro several days now to post a couple videos on this web site . I have shot them at different speeds and different lengths
they upload fine but then an hour later it says the conversion failed. I have called the number listed for social co media i tried faxing but fax just rings602) 456-2533 voicemail
(866) 873-1931 fax
I sent two emails and have not heard back from anyone out there or anyone from true nudist reads this please get back to me thankyou

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  • 11 years ago

I have tried fro several days now to post a couple videos on this web site . I have shot them at different speeds and different lengths they upload fine but then an hour later it says the conversion failed. I have called the number listed for social co media i tried faxing but fax just rings602) 456-2533 voicemail(866) 873-1931 faxI sent two emails and have not heard back from anyone out there or anyone from true nudist reads this please get back to me thankyoufurrytopguynmco
The video issue is known and has been that way for some time now. The owner is in progress of doing upgrades/fixes, and that is supposedly on the list to be fixed.
John aka cobeachbum

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  • 11 years ago