Ironic Self Photos
As counterpoint to Leolucbx's post, why shouldn't we have a thread on Ironic Self Photos?
Not sure what they might look like, but they might be fun.
With my past history in mind, maybe it would be a thread devoted to photos deleted by the moronic mods of TN. There must be hundreds in the same boat as me.
I'm not sure what you would define as "ironic", but if photos are "banned" by TN they can't be posted through the usual method. I'm sure we all have some great photos which TN would not publish due to their "erotic" nature. Well, nature is erotic, and beautiful! So the answer would be to exchange pics by e-mail, or post them on a more "adult" site, such as True Swingers or Flickr. Meanwhile, we can all enjoy some excellent pics on TN.
I have been a little surprised about a couple of my photos that were not allowed by TN. Perhaps different reviewers apply the TN 'standard' a little differently? It does complicate the decision on what to upload when it is unclear how the line gets drawn.
I have been a little surprised about a couple of my photos that were not allowed by TN. Perhaps different reviewers apply the TN 'standard' a little differently? It does complicate the decision on what to upload when it is unclear how the line gets drawn.
I have noticed differences in the amount of discretion shown on different days. I had thought weekend posting might be a good because of the big pile waiting on Monday morning, but my impression is that that is probably not true. I will try the suggestions made by other posters and see what happens. Today is Tuesday, so I will try to repost the pic below, which was culled yesterday. Check tommorrow to see what has happened.
Pamela - Uninhibited Nudity
It Appears that this thread has become an
instructional manual on ways to circumvent the site TOS {Terms of Service) as
well as Group Rules. These are the rules which you agreed to when joining the
Site and this Group. May I remind you, that the Site TOS and adherence to it is
what makes TN distinctively different from the thousands of porn sites. For
those who seem compelled to post photos of erections or vaginal or anal close ups,
there are many sites which will welcome you.
Site Guidelines
for posting of pictures
2. Please no
erection shots, crotch shots or pornographic pictures
3. No Spread Eagle,
or shots where the butt, genitals or anus are the main focus point.
4. Pictures containing
nudity cannot contain anyone under the age of 18.
5. If you choose not
to show your face then you may not show your genitals.
All pictures are
approved at the discretion of the administrator.
7. Filesize must be
< 1MB
Group RulesActive participation is required for continuing membership in this group. ALL MEMBERS SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST A PROFILE PIC DISPLAYED.Any postings which are in violation of the site TOS will result in the violator being dropped from this group.
This is what I mean about ironic. None of the pictures I have attempted and had rejected would violate the TN rules (as I viewed them). The last two rejected were possibly in the gray area from an outside reviewer's perspective, but from my artistic perspective were some of the most interesting shots I think I have taken, in that they used available late sunlight to throw halos around a really gold light coming off my limbs and torso arranged to catch the light in a way that worked in the viewfinder. Sadly my penis is visible in the foreground, but it certainly isn't the point of the shot or the central focus in my mind's eye. As I said, they were up long enough to get a positive comment, but that's all.