Barefoot running

Is anyone else here a barefoot runner? I ran a 5K with my friends this weekend, and I was the only one in the group who ran barefoot. Actually, I was the only person in the whole race who ran barefoot! It's great exercise, and so much more enjoyable than running in shoes.
Next, I'm working toward running a barefoot half-marathon. I think I've got the soles for it!

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RE: Barefoot running

Last week I ran another 5K barefoot. The only major difference from my past races was that this one was in December! The theme for the race was "ugly Christmas sweaters," and while I didn't have a Christmas sweater to wear, I did don an elf hat and tinsel for the occasion. :-)
Running barefoot on the frozen ground actually didn't turn out to be too much of a challenge; I think I've done the right amount of conditioning for it, plus I was dressed warmly from the ankles up. I even got kudos from a few of the other runners! I'm already looking for my next 5K. They're a ton of fun!

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RE: Barefoot running- I've been running barefoot for 6 years

WOW guys. Both of you have been doing a great job. Both of you must be in great shape and I am sure that is one good reason why both of you look great naked and barefoot.

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RE: Barefoot running- I've been running barefoot for 6 years

WOW guys. Both of you have been doing a great job. Both of you must be in great shape and I am sure that is one good reason why both of you look great naked and barefoot.Thanks so much! :-)

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RE: Barefoot running- I've been running barefoot for 6 years

I love to run barefoot on the beach when ever I can.

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