June Spa World

The summer is here and time to cool off at Spa World. The last Saturday of the month is June 28th which is Spa World get together time. I am sorry to say that I can not be there this month but hope many of you will be there. The chill pool is real cool if you can handle the cold water. Do not worry nudist. All have to be nude to go into the chill tub. Relax everyone. There is not just one in the men's locker room but also one the lady's. So ladies, come on out and visit Spa World for yourself. All will love the smoothie bar in the communal area which is by the restaurant inside the spa. I hope all tn people can meet there for lunch sometime between 11:30 and noon. Great place to chill out during the summer heat and be naked for a little while or a lot. I hope all tn members who goes there wears a green silicone wrist band in addition to the green key scrunch wrist band. Have Fun!

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RE: June Spa World

Would anyone that's going potentially be interested in sharing a hotel room for a couple of nights? Figured it might be a decent way to save some bucks! Not sure if I can make it yet but might help push me that way!

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RE: June Spa World

Nudeeer, when I go to Spa World I stay at the Extanded Stay America. It is very close by the spa. I would not mind sharing a room but I am not going to be there next week.

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RE: June Spa World

So....who's going to be at SPA WORLD on Saturday? I don't want to go if no one else is going.

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RE: June Spa World

Just go anyway. You will have a good. Just tell is what we all missed. I do think someone else will show up but may not post until after they go to say they were there. My first time going there no one from tn was there but I still may a new friend. The new friend that I made is now on tn and is with me on my profile pic. So you never know who you will met and never know what you missed if you do not go. SO GO if you can go. :-)

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RE: June Spa World

Everyone we are getting the TN gang together at Spa World Saturday July 4th. Mark your calendar and look for the green band.
How to I.D. our fellow TN Friends/Members Friends of TN. As we all know there have been several discussions as of how to identify who belongs to TN while on a Naturist/Nudist setting, right?
Well, I've came across a temporary solution, Itriedit at Spa World and it worked perfectly. And so with that said I wanted to share with all of you, and so here we go . . .
Forabout $5.00 USD you can have a plain green silicone wrist-band delivered right to your front door.
Either from Amazon.com or directly from the supplier at HDE:
Green Silicone Wristband
SKU: P139 UPC: 608729488347
Once again Id like to remind you that this is a temporary solution as we all wait for Actual TN Merchandise to be developed and available to all of us.
Please feel free to copy and paste this information and share with everyone you know at TN, the best site in town, and as always feedback is always welcome.
May all of you have a great, and whatever you do, do it in da'nude. XoxoxoxoHawk

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RE: June Spa World

RE: June Spa World Everyone we are getting the TN gang together at Spa World Saturday July 4th 2015 . Mark your calendar and look for the green band.
How to I.D. our fellow TN Friends/Members Friends of TN. As we all know there have been several discussions as of how to identify who belongs to TN while on a Naturist/Nudist setting, right?
Well, I've came across a temporary solution, Itriedit at Spa World and it worked perfectly. And so with that said I wanted to share with all of you, and so here we go . . .
Forabout $5.00 USD you can have a plain green silicone wrist-band delivered right to your front door.
Either from Amazon.com or directly from the supplier at HDE:
Green Silicone Wristband
SKU: P139 UPC: 608729488347
Once again Id like to remind you that this is a temporary solution as we all wait for Actual TN Merchandise to be developed and available to all of us.
Please feel free to copy and paste this information and share with everyone you know at TN, the best site in town, and as always feedback is always welcome.
May all of you have a great, and whatever you do, do it in da'nude. XoxoxoxoHawk

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