June 28, Sunny Day Nekkid (Bike) Ride
Coe Circle, Joan of Arc Statue, 3900 NE Glisan St (Coe Circle, Joan of Arc Statue, 3900 NE Glisan @ Cesar Chavez)
1:00pm - 3:30pm
About 200 times the fun of the night time WNBR, since it's 200 times
smaller and it happens unannounced to passers-by and it's in the
daytime, this legal naked protest ride against fossil fuels is a gentle
tour of all 5 quadrants with total nudity encouraged (OK,
helmet/shoes/body paint maybe -- please be somewhat nude)! It's like
being a casting director where the citizens of Portland are trying out
for the part of pleasantly freaked-out neighbors, and everyone gets a
role. Leaves Joan of Arc (NE Glisan 39th/Cesar Chavez) 1:00pm, ends at The Bike Fair, Col. Summers Park.
Fluxgeo, fluxgeoyahoo
, 971-207-5804