Re: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Boating, swimming and hiking...

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Anything and everything especially if it is outdoors with the sun shining. Not much is better than the warmth of the sun on a nice day.

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Shower in the yard

This summer I was sealing/re-grouting the shower so had to shower outside under the hose for more than a week, it was wonderful!!!

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RE: Shower in the yard

This summer I was sealing/re-grouting the shower so had to shower outside under the hose for more than a week, it was wonderful!!!

I would LOVE to have an outdoor shower. Nothing like enjoying the sunshine and even a gentle (very gentle) breeze while taking a shower. The few times the location / opportunity have been available it has been great.

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RE: Things I like

Then I lie in the hammock naked as I was born. There was thermal neutrality. The sun was an exact equal to the cooling breezes that carressed mybody like the gentle hands of a young maiden content only to give me gentle pleasure. The breezes hummed in the pines at my feet and played a lovely toon on the bamboo wind chimes off to my head. My dog lay beneath me. I could hear her gentle breath. ....I let a stream of urine find its way out and never bothered to tighten the stoping muscle. Just total relaxation! Pulled a leg up and curled about a pillow and drifed off to sleep. As the sun set behind the pines is gently let me cool. To awaken ,not rudely, but gently in a gentlemanly manner. God is in his heaven. God is good. Go forth my son and rejoice. Rocky

A hammock is a long apparatus. The dog was up by my head. Please do not misunderstand my feeling here. This was not a sexual thing or a fetish just a yoga like relaxation. To take a breath requires energey to let it fall out does not and is relaxing. Just letting the bladder empty and not tightening up afterwards inspires total body relaxation. This is NOT water sports!!


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trick question?

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Swimming for sure. But I never seem to get the chance to do so. I've gone swimming nude once and absolutely loved it. But I haven't been able to ever since.
Aside from that, video games in the nude are the best.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

i like to walk my dog nude, or maybe more accurately, let him walk me. i also like to take him for hikes through the woods, or along the beach....and, the reason it's better is because i'm dressed just like least, as a dog, he was smart enough not to give up his right to someone that lived and died long before he was born to be nude...russ
Thanks for the memoryjog Russ. Itook my dog for a walk the other evening into a wildlife preserve behind my house for the first time in long recent memory. After a few minutes on the trail and no sounds of anyone (dirtbikes, bicycles, etc)I stripped off my shorts and hiked nude for about an hour out and back along the fencelineof a defunct company, out of view of any roads or houses. Perfect temperature, perfect moonlight, serene and quiet. Quite a wonderful first experience.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I like being on the beach with the sun beating down on my naked body warming my skin and feeling the breeze pass over me as I stroll along passing other nudists. mmm. now i wanna go on holiday again!!!!

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Just being nude with other nude people is my main favourits. But volleyball is my real favourite. I could play it for hours.

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