RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Sitting on my deck enjoying our little piece of heaven.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

In a single word: everything.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

In a single word: everything.I fully agree just being naked and doing my own thing, be it driving the tractor, mowing the lawn or other gardening activities, working in the workshop, swimming, playing with dogs, or just plain relaxing, the list goes on and on, its fantastic.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I like to walk in the woods, swim, camp, and just about anything else that I can think of. Really like walking in slow warm summer showers!!

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Definitely swimming. No question about it.
Of course I enjoy doing just about anything in the nude.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Just sitting out in the sun and enjoying the "bake"! Baking is when you become so relaxed you literally feel your skin warming up and beginning to tan! You 'experience' the heat and the rays of the sun as they stimulate each part of your body from toes, to legs, to stomach and all over. As you begin to sweat, the desire to wipe the droplets away is a powerful instinct, but try resisting it. Let each drop roll over your body, pool where they will and run off IF they do! Don't move. Stay still.
This is also best done, or most difficultly done, without distractions such as an iPod or radio. If you are in a neighborhood or nudist resort where others are playing, close your eyes and listen to the sounds. See what activities are distinctive enough to pick out from the din of noise. Can you hear a child laughing? Can you hear the birds? Hear the leaves rustling together as the breeze blows. How many different sounds can you identify? --- Could you hear a person approaching based only on the sound of their footfalls?
Now, the next part of Baking in to keep a pitcher or two of water within arms reach. They do not need to be cold water, but may be cooler if you DARE!! Otherwise let them sit for awhile and become as close to the outdoor temperature as possible for water. The minimum amount of time this will take is one half of an hour.
After you are sufficiently warmed up, sweating nicely and have attempted some of the exercises above, NOW you are ready for the ultimate human experience! If your body is really warm and the sun is just barely tolerable, you have reached the appropriate Baked temperature! --- Pick up a pitcher of water (or a plastic one gallon jug, whatever you have) and slowly begin pouring it over your head! This requires 'bravery' and full awareness of the reactions your body is capable of experiencing.
Keep your eyes open IF you are able! If you dare! But it is likely they will close automatically as a reaction to the water and even the most concentrated of attitudes, the most disciplined person, will NOT be able to keep their eyes open!
EXPERIENCE the rush as the water flows overr your body! Do not attempt to resist shivering or getting goosebumps (yea right, as if you could ...), but rather let them happen. Get into theFULL experience, the 'whole' sensation, notice every change in temperature as the water passes and knowthe body is eighty-percent water itself, as is our entire world! (hmmm, odd, just thought of that). Know that heat energy is being released from your skin, from its layers, from the hottest outer layer to the slightly less warm layers beneath. Feel the transfer of that energy as it move from 'hot' skin to cooler water, from water to air, and know the evaporation of water ON skin is going to cool you more than the water itself. Energy is being transferred and released, not created or destroyed because Albert said this was impossible.
You are a storehouse of heat. A battery of heat. A container of energy, and it is yours to do with as you will. Enjoy it!
Please message me if you try this in 2012 and try to express what you felt, how your body reacted and whether or not the water made you jump up out of your seat or off of your towel. What DID you feel? --- Alive I hope.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Thanks Peter! I try to express the real nudist experience, the whole experience, whenever possible! I even think there is merit in people telling stories of the times they did NOT have a good experience. A few years ago coming home from a campout weekend with the Canyon State Naturists (CSN) it had rained terrifically overnight and a formerly dry stream bed along the road was a rushing little stream! I was driving a Volkswagen Scirocco and crossing the stream with that low-profile car was aNaturist-experience-extreme like no other! (in retrospect I might not do it the same way again).
It was strange seeing the water wash over the top of the hood of the car, but itkept going and did not miss a beat.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I'm in agreement with many of the prior posts: Anything outdoors (when the rare opportunity presents itself)! I especially enjoy a leisurely hike through the woods. It's amazing how much more you feel: The wind caressing your body, the temperature change as you move from sun to shade. People that misconceive nudity as a sexual thing have got it wrong. It's sensual. Big difference! I also agree that swimming nude is second to none and definitely how it was meant to be.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I enjoy being nude when doing almost anything.Most of my time on this website is done in the nude.As for my favorite thing to do nude,anything outdoors and with other nudist.Hiking on a nature trail,playing volleyball,swimming,working on my all over tan.I don't have an absolute favorite.Any activity is more pleasurable when done in the nude.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Swimming, sailing, hiking, yoga, and dance.

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