to live nude!

i guess that would be a favorite thing to do, even though we are unable to be nude all the time. fry cooking and BBQ'n both would have to warrant at least an apron though.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I live on a boatin England close to London andI love swimming naked . and whenI can i likie to walk naked.

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What do I like to do naked and Why?

What do I like to do naked? Yes, I would like to (fill in blank) naked. Yes I would, Sam I Am.
Why? Yeeeesssshhh...thats a loaded question! Got life time?
Lets start with, no worries about clothes. Ironing, washing is nearly eliminated (still got to wash towels and bed sheets) It's more comfortable, body breathes better, cool in the summer (cooler in the winter) easy to clean up and get back to whatever it is you are doing. Wash out side under a hose, any time. Time, money is less wasted, resources are not wasted, as a matter of fact, you can read my disertaition on the Ecological reasons why nudity is better. (ask for link or go to my website, or plug in ecological naturism in the google).
And did I say, more comfortable? And just down right absolutely wonderful!!!!

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

divWho could argue the benefits of swimming nude? No clingy restrictivematerial to contend with. No cold wet nasty mess against your body when you get out of the water. Honestly, does that make any sense at all? Other things that are better nude...laying out on a warm rock in the sun. Soaking in a natural hot spring in the mountains. Sitting in a lounge chair with a good book. Curling up with a close friend on the couch with a bag of popcorn and a good movie. I could go on but I think the point is that pretty much anything is better when done nude./div

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Two things: walk through the woods and skinny dip

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Ironing laundry?

It's a risky proposition, I found out a few years back....

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RE: Things to do nude.

To sum it up in two words, live life. I honestly can't think of a single thing that I wouldn't do nude. lol

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Favorite Things to do naked

Anything and everything, would be nude 24/7 if I could, but swimming does come to mind

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RE: living nude

I would have to say my favoite thing in the world to do nude is take a nap on fresh cleaned sheets.

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RE: Spa

any kind of recreation can be enhanced with the removal of clothes!
I have a mate on another site who only enjoys playing Guitar Hero if he is naked.
Says it makes him feel like he's in the Red Hot Chili Peppers!
I was tempted to say put a sock on it, but why spoil his enjoyment?


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