RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Surfing. It's great exercise, you get to go skinnydipping and it feels great. We've got a whole page dedicated to naked surfing at

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Surfing. It's great exercise, you get to go skinnydipping and it feels great. We've got a whole page dedicated to naked surfing at

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I very much like to be outdoors nude, hiking in the fields, woods, etc. Prefer some good nude company with it too.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I just like to be nude. To pick one thing, I would say hiking, if I am sure I won't meet textilers along the way.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

My favorite things to do nude are probably swimming and sitting in the hot tub or sauna. Swimsuits feel very uncomfortable and sticky when wet. I like the feeling of water and air directly against my skin. I also like running in the nude (and barefoot), especially in the rain. I feel more a part of nature when there is nothing between my skin and the natural surroundings.

I like giving and receiving massages in the nude. Draping creates an artificial barrier that sometimes interferes with the strokes, and puts the client into a mindset to be uncomfortable with the nude body being seen or touched. If the person giving the massage is fully clothed and the receiver is nude, the receiver is apt to feel more uncomfortably exposed and vulnerable. When everyone is nude, they can be on a more equal level.

I don't usually enjoy doing mundane tasks such as cleaning the house and washing dishes, but doing these tasks while nude makes them more fun.

I like to lift weights and do exercises while nude. I can see what progress is being made and see what work still needs to be done. There's also something thrillingly primitive about pumping iron while naked.

I prefer meditating and worshiping while nude because it symbolizes spiritual poverty and dependence on God and brings to mind the state of innocence that is restored by our redemption.

I like painting and drawing in the nude because I feel like I get a surge of energy and creativity. What is really fun is to be nude while drawing or painting a nude model--someday I'd like to have the experience of drawing someone nude who is also drawing me nude.

There are many other things, but these are at the top of my list.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Basically everything. I loathe clothes. Though I guess the top is working as a nude art model or doing a nude scene in a film. In both cases I am earning money being nude. And I can say, those are interesting notations to add to a resume.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

I'll also take a pass on the arc welder.
Dating ! ( no, not sex )
There's quite a bit of pretense that just isn't.
Each knows we have at least one thing in common, and already have a good idea of the others views on it.
Of course, there are certain things that can't be done nude, like fine dining in town, but there are many things at a resort that can be shared.

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Lol...fine dining in town CAN be done. We were fortunate enough to find a group that hosts nude dinners at fine restaurants in NYC. We have yet to participate though, due to our prohibitive finances


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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Lol...fine dining in town CAN be done. We were fortunate enough to find a group that hosts nude dinners at fine restaurants in NYC. We have yet to participate though, due to our prohibitive finances Jen

Oh, wait......
Kinda wish that existed around here, but it doesn't. ( that I know about )
Finances ( sadly ) are an issue these days......
I can hardly afford the clothes on my back ! Oh, wait... There aren't any......

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RE: What is your favorite thing to do in the nude?

Swimming in the ocean. Splashing around in the surf without a suit is my idea of pure pleasure.
Grin and Bare it

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