Rooster Rock, conditions on June 19

The water levels dropped a couple of feet since the last time I visited, but the Dragonfly Trail is still underwater However it looks llke you cold wade through the trail with the water levels probably reaching mid thigh at the highest point.
At the far end of the main trail, cutting over to the river, you find mostly grassy areas that have been tramped down for areas to layout. There are perhaps a coupld of sany areas if you look really hard., but most of the sand is still underwater.
The water levels on this website,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 was between 7 and 8 on the vertical axis of the water level chart on that day.
Attendance for Rooster Rock is picking up.

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RE: Rooster Rock, conditions on June 19

Awesome, thanks for the update!

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RE: Rooster Rock, conditions on June 19

Great update, thanks for the info. It's great hearing details like this before driving down from Seattle.

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