Time and again we are still wondering why the people here (TN) are scared of communicating (forget meeting) friends? Is it that they want to be here without disclosing their identity? Why? If they want to post their naked pics without disclosing their identity it means they get a tinge of excitement by showing themselves naked to the world. Wedon't mean to say that if you want to post your naked pic you must show your face. Not at all. Nudism is not something like "to see and to be seen". Its a wonderful way of being free from everything. So the very first step tomove further is to meet like minded people whom you have chosen as your friends. Just being virtual will lead you nowhere.We can understand the apprehension everybody has regarding the genuineness of the other person. (others may also think same about you)But you are not going to meet them naked in the very first meeting. You can develop confidence about him/her by starting with chat, messages, phone call, audio chat, video chat (textile), meet personally at a public place. There are so many ways only if you wish to expand your circle.We appeal to all group members that when you have joined the group talk as much as you can to your group members. You may find some wonderful friends in some. All the best.

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So true

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