july 10th?

Hi Gunnison lovers! Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone had a great weekend.
I have been going to Gunnison beach for the past 4 years now and over that time I have made some great friends. We have our own little group and its nice to catch up with them every summer. I am planning on heading out their on July 10th and unfortunately my normal group won't be there.
Would anyone like to join me? If I ended up sitting on the beach solo, that is fine, but if you happen to be going on the 10th, it'd be nice to make some new friends.

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RE: july 10th?

Not planning to go this weekend but perhaps another time.

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RE: july 10th?

You seem like a good dude. I'll add you and give you a shout next time I'm shore side. :)

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RE: july 10th?

hello pete
I maybe going; I will make a friend request hoping to see a picture of you so that I can identify you. I guess I'll be going around lunch time; have to leave by 4 PM

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RE: july 10th?

great! i added ya. message me and we'll talk more then. :)

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RE: july 10th?

looking forward to hanging out.

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