Nudist festival

A naturist festival is organized from 26thto 29thAugust at a resort with offer of guaranteed and secured, continuous 24*7 stay for 72 hours with nude/clothing optional indoor and outdoor experience, swimming, fishing, and also optional nude car travel to near-by sea beach for nude enjoyment. And much more things are in offer. The stay there will be from 26thnoon to 29thnoon. The place is near Kolkata (About 150 km from the city). Reservation is available in express trains upto a station within 20 km of the place. Car transfer is available from that place/Kharagpur/Kolkata at extra cost (standard taxi fare).The core cost of the programme per head is Rs. 6200/= only. Contact me over phone for details. The numbers are 9433112685/9051668880/9230551734. Known experienced nudists or people recommended by known experienced nudists are allowed only.Make your booking within 05.08.14 positively. Rs. 200/= discount is available if booking is done within21.07.14.P. S. - We need at least 25-30 persons as we need to book the whole resort. We are hopeful that we are going to get the number. But in case we dont, we have to cancel the programme. In case of cancellation, refund will be available.

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RE: Nudist festival

excited.. we both would join..

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RE: Nudist festival

Lets take a fresh stock about confirmed participation.

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RE: Nudist festival

14 joining have been confirmed so far and we have started receiving the payments. Please hurry as the last date is approaching.

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RE: Nudist festival

wilderness30 has handed over his money to me. amar kachhey achhey. amar contribution er songey will transfer the amount.

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RE: Nudist festival

Sorry, couldn't get leaves

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RE: Nudist festival

There should be a live video streaming option so that we Bangladeshi's can join with you virtually... :)

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RE: Nudist festival

Sona Da,U have to plan a nude meet in November after Diwali'14 in Digha or mandarmani....indoor nudism will be okay for us.....If u and suhrit make a suitable plan many people can join as this period of November is a free time for most of us.

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RE: Nudist festival

Sona Da,U have to plan a nude meet in November after Diwali'14 in Digha or mandarmani....indoor nudism will be okay for us.....If u and suhrit make a suitable plan many people can join as this period of November is a free time for most of us.I feel some one else should take up the responsibility this time. we will support. We just visited Henry did Megh. its a nice location with lots of privacy. Stay would be also comfortable and affordable. But one non negotiable factor is - no weekends. Because week end is quite crowded. If ppl goon week days, during noon time henry island beach is heaven.
How many of us are open to this idea?

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