Employers thoughts

What happens when your employer finds out you are a nudist - what is their reaction?

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

What happens when your employer finds out you are a nudist - what is their reaction?Unless you're naked at work (and that hasn't previously been established as being OK), nothing should happen. It's none of your employers business.
John aka cobeachbum

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

They have yet to find out . . .

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

My wife and I have both lost jobs because we were nudists. Both times, other employees found out, and wrapped it up as a sexual complaint. There was no fighting it unless we had the money for a lawyer, which we didn't either time. How did they find out, overhearing a lunchtime phone conversation, in both cases.Here in the UK we have employment laws to protect us against unfair dismissal. And,you don't need the services of overpaid incompetent lawyers.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

I guess it depends on how one defines unfair dismissal. Over here, if you're fired for your race, gender, ect, you can bring an anti discrimination complaint or suit. CA is considered an "at will employment" state, meaning your employer can keep you or fire you at will. Sometimes firings do go to court, come times people win. CA is not the real liberal place everyone stereotypes it to be.I would not want to live in a place with such archaic laws.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

In Canada, you cannot be fired for being a nudist and everyone in my workplace (including my boss) is aware. I routinely invite them to join me at festivals and update them on my holidays. No one has taken me up on my offers yet, but maybe someday. In the meantime, I'm putting a human face on naturism and sharing accurate information about what it's all about and doing my best to dispel myths.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

Except for certain protected classes and union members, employment in America is considered "at will". That means an employer may terminate an unprotected employee for whatever reason he wants, or for no reason at all. I know of one employee who was terminated because the boss didn't like his beard and another who lost his job because he talked of his relations with his wife, which the boss considered "unnatural". The best advice for us is to keep our mouths shut to our employers and co-workers. In these days of networking, it is possible to be denied employment because a former co-worker drops a dime on you to a new employer.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

I am not naked at work, so why should my employer bother if I am naked at my own home or at other nudist places.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: Employers thoughts

I am not naked at work, so why should my employer bother if I am naked at my own home or at other nudist places.As with Rabbtnbunny, we too live in an 'at will employment' state. Your employer can fire you for any reason they deem to be in their best interest.
The problem wouldn't necessarily arise from being nude in one's own home but nude photos on public display would more than likely be seen as 'embarrassing' to an employer. So to those on their high horses here that say 'don't be afraid of letting the world know you're a nudist' by not being afraid of posting nude pics, I say, good for you that you're financially well off enough to do that.

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  • 11 years ago