Blame the Victorians

Well maybe not all the blame should lie with them but they certainly put the lid on the coffin! Going back through the years people have usually been oblivious as to whether certain parts of their body were on show. Ok we have, never in any time scale (as far as is historically documented), gone completely without clothes in our every day lives but we were less prudish about showing off the delights of the naked human form (male or female). Other European countries seem to suffer less than we Brits do with this blinkered view that the naked body is somehow disgusting. As the old saying goes: You came into the world naked and you'll go out the same way.I have always preferred being naked whenever I could. I feel such a freedom. And I have to admit that, even though the female form is a delight, being gay I do admire the male human form in all it shapes and sizes. And not just certain parts of the body but the body as a whole. We are all different shapes, sizes, colours and it is something that we should forever embrace. Thank you for setting up this group - and hopefully it grows and grows.Nick x

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RE: Blame the Victorians

Interesting insight Nikwax. I had always wondered where our aversion to nudity came from here in the U.S. Personally I had thought it extended back to earlier time as part of the Puritan culture. Makes sense though. Shame that we had to choose that for a role model too... I mean look at how our society is so much into teasing and innuendo. It's OK to do everything short of being nude, but heaven forbid that someone shows some actual skin. Even the way people make such a big deal over a "wardrobe malfunction". Is it any wonder why we have such a dysfunctional view of the human body and sexuality?

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RE: Blame the Victorians

Well maybe not all the blame should lie with them but they certainly put the lid on the coffin! Going back through the years people have usually been oblivious as to whether certain parts of their body were on show. Ok we have, never in any time scale (as far as is historically documented), gone completely without clothes in our every day lives but we were less prudish about showing off the delights of the naked human form (male or female). Other European countries seem to suffer less than we Brits do with this blinkered view that the naked body is somehow disgusting. As the old saying goes: You came into the world naked and you'll go out the same way.I have always preferred being naked whenever I could. I feel such a freedom. And I have to admit that, even though the female form is a delight, being gay I do admire the male human form in all it shapes and sizes. And not just certain parts of the body but the body as a whole. We are all different shapes, sizes, colours and it is something that we should forever embrace. Thank you for setting up this group - and hopefully it grows and grows.Nick xWell, from what I understand, the UK is at least comfortable showing
nudity on tv. That just doesn't cut it over here in the stupid old
USA. And as Reindeer911 said, I've always kinda blamed our shame and aversion to nudity here on the Puritans. Here in the US you can show violence of the worst kind on tv, in movies and video games, but heaven forbid you should show a naked person. Or worse yet, a naked couple having consensual, loving sex. We are so assbackward when it comes to that stuff.

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