using pee

pee speeds up in helping to make your compost heap work very much quicker ,so don't waste it put it to good use

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RE: using pee

That's a good thoughthad heard how useful it is on citrus, but need to be careful that it doesn't burn them off. Compost would be a much safer use.

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RE: using pee

Urine is good around Citrus trees.unless you are turning your compost regularly, and have the carbon/fibre ratios right in your compost I would be reluctant to use urine in that!! If you want to accelerate compost, try old tea leaves, or old compost mixed through the newer stuff, it helps encourage the mircobes that do the composting.
Having well aerated compost that is kept warm, and good carbon/fibre rations are the key though!

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RE: using pee

interestingi pee on my lawn alot

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RE: using pee

interestingi pee on my lawn aloti hear if you pee in the same spot enough times there will be a dead spot is that true?not sure, never picked a spot

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