Nude yard work not always a good idea

After a recent time of working in my yard, I came down with multiple spots of poison ivy. I believe it to be from dried vines and not from green leaves.
Not always a good idea to work nude.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Presumably could have also happened to a textile. Thank goodness that is one garden feature that we do not share

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

It's no fun, I have a scar from over a year ago.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Last year I got poison ivy on my wrist - would have gotten it even if I was clothed. I did buy longer gloves to pull out vines this year. Even the poison ivy killer didn't work.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Mine was actually transferred from our dog who had gotten into it then rested against my thigh. - Could easily have happened wearing shorts too but clothes do help.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Presumably could have also happened to a textile. Thank goodness that is one garden feature that we do not shareI'm so pleased we don't have it either. The worst here is nettles and thorns. Nettle stings soon wear off and thorns will scratch through clothing. So - no reason to dress for my gardening.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

At least, I would wear shoes, gloves, and a hat. However, there is a place for clothes while doing a heavy job in the yard or working with plants with thorns.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Hope I haven't discouraged anyone from working naked in their garden. Just some parts of outside work may need to be done protected. I was lucky I didn't get the poison ivy in certain places on my body which would have been far more uncomfortable. Just be aware of potential dangers when working naked.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Poison ivy is never fun. But it is definitely not just a nude gardeners hazard because that oil gets on anything. I always go with " leaves of three, let it be" I just try to be careful when working around the plant and vines. Funny story I have a wooded patch on the side of my property that I work nude in often, but the one time I wore clothes to cut up some branches I got poison ivy. Must be an omen. Stay nude my friends.

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

Funny story I have a wooded patch on the side of my property that I work nude in often, but the one time I wore clothes to cut up some branches I got poison ivy. Must be an omen.I have had people swear that if you wash within 15 mins of touching poison ivy, you won't get it. I have tried to follow that suggestion. The one time I got it recently was when I had been washing every few minutes, but I got it above my elbows. I had been only washing up to my elbows!

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RE: Nude yard work not always a good idea

I once cut out the dead bit in the centre of an old yew tree in my garden. I disturbed a wasp's nest. This is a time when it might have been better to be nude. The waspsgot inside my clothes and stung me. I had to rush indoors and strip off.

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