Men wearing skirts when not naked
I have noticed on another forum which advocates that men should be able to wear skirts and have noticed that a number of the men there are also nudists. (This is not to be taken to include full cross-dressing but simply wearing a skirt as the lower half)
Is that the same in reverse? In other words, when you are clothed, do you generally wear trousers or shorts or do some of you wear skirts? (I would include kilts in that even if you are not Scottish)
- 10 years ago
You may want to call them something else but why shouldn't men wear "skirts" if they are more comfortable? Cultures all over the world have some firm of "skirt" worn by the male half of the population. Here in North America I rarely see them worn outside of folk festivals or Irish/Scottish festivals but why not? Macabi markets travel "skirts" to men and Utilikilts are about as masculine as it gets.
If you want to try out a kilt in public and want to blend in, I can recommend Milwaukee's Irish Fest. There are literally hundreds of men in kilts there!
- 10 years ago
I wear a denim skirt around the farm in OZ when I have to work out in the area visible from the road.
I feel its more cooler and free that shorts. The so called skirt started off as jeans but were cut down when the knees wore out, later shortened to just below the pocket inners. Then the crotch was removed, now I have a skirt.Might look funny but is great to wear when one has to covered but otherwise free.
- 10 years ago
I wear a pareu - just a square of fabric wrapped around the waist - quite a bit around the farm, and occasionally to town. Because they have no seams, they dry really fast, which comes in handy. (Women wear the same thing, often tied behind the neck or wrapped around the body under the armpits. - I see them in town, wrapped over bikinis, in the shopping districts.)
- 10 years ago
This is what the well dressed man is wearing in London
- 10 years ago
Yes, I think we all know Marc Jacobs who has advocated skirts for men for quite a few years now. There are now a number of other fashion designers who are taking up the mantle and throwing skirts onto male models. They just don't (yet) seem to be appearing in the shops other than specialised outlets on the Internet.
Personally, being Scottish, I have a tartan (ie plaid) kilt, 2 other single colour Utilitikilts (one black, the other beige), and 4 other skirts (2 denim and 2 khaki/light brown). Longest is 24" (knee-length) and the shortest 13.5". I don't wear them often but they are comfortable and believe that more men should at least try it for themselves
- 10 years ago
I was in a wedding where all the groomsmen wore formal Scottish kilt attire. Between the wool kilt and the high stockings, I could not wait to get out of it.
- 10 years ago
In south and south-east Asia sarongs are popular among men. Some wear them all day (mostly in country-side) while others change to sarong in the evening when they want to relax. Popular both among older and younger men. Some wear shorts under the sarong - which of course reduces the comfort benefits and cooling effects of this very traditional garment ...
- 10 years ago
This is encouraging. I started wearing a skirt in place of shorts after a hard day's work in jeans. It became a habit. I only wear it in one particular park near my home. It's a secluded place, so being seen is minimal. But I wish I could wear it out and about. My wife found out, and told me not to wear one where I might be seen. (with her, or associated with her, I imagine). Still, I wear one when I'm at home, often, but still, feel the need to be myself, and where one wherever I please!
- 9 years ago
I wear a sarong quite often, which is a type of skirt I'd say, and have a kilt that I haven't worn yet as it's for my sons wedding but after that will be a frequent part of my wardrobe, it's new material, not the heavy and itchy wool. I have another very light skirt that I sometimes wear, it's called a kilt liner where I bought it, great for being out where you can be seen in hot weather, lets the cooling air get around the bits.
- 9 years ago
I haven't gotten a kilt yet but it is something I have looked into. There is something called a running kilt that I have heard of people hiking in. I have a couple of long night shirts that I got from the Vermont Country Store (online) If I need to take the trash out to the shed these are easy to toss on and go almost to the knees. Another article of clothing that I have is a garabia that is a long mens covering worn in the mideast, I bought it in Egypt. These both kind of feel like a dress.
- 9 years ago