Strawberry Tattoo

I know it's a long shot that I could find the answer, but you never know until you ask.
The first time I ever heard of Sandy Hook was back in 1988 when I worked in Edison.
The place where I heard it being discussed was the gym I used -- Gold' Gym in Carteret. I can't remember the guy's name for certain so if the rest of this message brings someone to mind of a different ignore the name, but my guess would be his name was Rob. If not Rob it was a rather simple name, nothing out of the ordinary. I remember him trying to talk friends into going with him and told them how others readily got comfortable and left their swimsuits behind. Apparently he went there pretty much every weekend in the summer. The most distinguishing feature he had was a strawberry (or a couple strawberries) tattooed on one of his ass cheeks. Seems like he had a couple other small tats, but the strawberry one is the one that got my attention / the one I remember.
That was over 25 years ago, but I was hoping there might be an old-timer / long-timer here who might remember him. I'm guess he's probably passed, but then again I don't think he was that old then (late 30s?) so he's probably in his 60s. If he watched his health (likely he did, I met him at the gym!) he very well would still be alive. Even today ass tats are rare, so hopefully that rings a bell.
Anyone know who I'm talking about.

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