Textile Resentment

Or maybe I should title this resentment of textiles?
Is it just me, or are others equally perturbed by the presence of textiles at the naked beach?
It just bugs me. I wouldn't force anyone to get naked if they didn't want to, but if you ain't gonna participate with us then move yourself and your clothing down to where clothed people hang out.
I think it's my sense of fairness and justice. Everyone should be on equal footing. Everybody on the naked section of the beach should be naked! It seems a little arrogant that someone choosing the repression of clothing should be among the naked. It's like they are trying to use their clothing as means of posturing themselves above the savages running naked. If you think I'm reading too much into by declaring their use of clothing as arrogant posturing (you may be right), still it must be noted that they are using their clothing as a matter of control and comfort. That's fine if that's what they wanna do, but wear your clothes with the other clothed people at their beaches and let the naked people be along with other naked people. Your clothes are crushing the vibe!
Maybe it's just me, but it feels more like a community / that the community is intact when everyone is naked. Then the clothed person crosses my path, and I cringe. Uh, just get naked like the rest of us. It's no big deal. Promise. Now of course I'm patient and considerate enough to let first-timers build up their confidence, but you can tell those (they're looking around inquisitively A LOT) from the person who has not intention of shedding the shackles of their clothing. And if the textile pulls out a camera... I am livid. If they are close enough by their feelings are gonna get hurt when I put them in their place by not practicing the most basic etiquette. Even when clothed, you don't just pull your phone out and start snapping pics of people without their permission.

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RE: Textile Resentment

Or maybe I should title this resentment of textiles?We may have to get used to it. A major publication just had an article called 'Prude is the new nude' saying that women in that bastion of top free sunbathing, the French Riviera are shunning topless/nude sunbathing declaring 'that is so over'. Evidently, younger women (and presumably men) are not enthralled about baring it all. Reasons ranged from premature aging of the their skin to worrying about being posted nude on their Facebook page to associating going topless with porn thanks in no part to the Miley Cyrus effect. Not a good sign if the attitudes in Europe are changing.

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RE: Textile Resentment

I feel the same as Tony. Especially since the parking lot fills so fast. It also make my wife uncomfortable.

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RE: Textile Resentment

I actually went for the first time at the end of last summer. First time ever at a nudist beach and as soon as I saw there were plenty of naked people I immediately felt comfortable taking my clothes off. I may have looked around a little too much but then I decided to take a walk to the end of the beach and back and thought why would I ever wear clothes to the beach again? I feel like if you are the type of person who goes against the grain and wears clothes to a nude beach you aren't understanding the entire point of being there in the first place, but maybe that's just me.

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RE: Textile Resentment

I agree with your thought that everyone on the nude beach should be nude. I usually takes some friends with me to the beach. One of them doesn't undress. If I have a car full of people the one who doesn't want to get naked will be staying home. I don't consider this one friend on an equal footing with the rest of the friends who do get naked. What do they think they're hiding?

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