Nudist Group In WNY

Hello I would like to invite all WNY nudist to join Niagara Naturist Nudist Group we are a local AANR group and meet in the WNY area Please contact me if interested. We have monthly meetings that you are welcome to attend and get more information.

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RE: Nudist Group In WNY

It's about time that their is a nudist group around here. I'm defiantly interested and would like more information.

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RE: Nudist Group In WNY

it's always great to see new groups sprouting up. i have been to zoar valley several times. it would really be helpful though that the person making the announcement have a photo of themselves in the gives people intersted in joining a"face" to put to the group, rather than an unknown entity.
hope the group does well. have to visit Clarence in two weeks! Will

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