What nudity Means To ME

Whenever I see myself naked. I like the person I see. I don't notice the imperfections, however, when I am clothed, I don't have a positive view of myself. I feel much better in my own skin. What it all comes down to is body acceptance. There is no discrimination among nudists as far as our appearance. Living our lives uncovered is the only perfect way of living.

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RE: What nudity Means To ME

When I look in the mirror at myself naked, I am usually critical. I notice the pudginess, the weaknesses, etc. But why else would one look in the mirror. Then I try to improve on what I see.But, I accept what I see. It is "M'e and I am good. I have been trying to improve myself since I was born. I went to school, I try to eat right, I get plenty of exercise. But, that does not mean I am unhappy with myself. I am great. Nudity to me is not satisfaction with everything about me, But Acceptance and honesty. When I am nude I don't hide anything, I am open to all of nature. I feel free. I feel honest. I feel close to nature and earth's energies. I feel unencumbered. I am free to move like the dear and the snakes. I feel more capable of movement and sensation.I am almost OCD about efficiency and wearing clothes is NOT efficient: More weight to pack, restrictions on extremes of movement, isolation of the skin from performing its purpose of sensation and inhibiting its ability to adjust the body to the environment.In moderate temperatures,I actually get more cold wearing clothes. (within limits...when it is truly cold one must were protection to maintain body heat.) I don't like to take the time and energy to DECIDE what I SHOULD wear for WHICH OCCASION. Nudity is so simple and straight forward. I live in society and must perform these feats but I don't like it and avoid clothes whenever safe from the sex offender list!Sun on the skin helps to avoid depression and rickets. Air on the skin prevents fungus infections. "Air Baths" per Benjamin Franklin are good for the continence. Body odor is reduced with increased air flow. ALL CREATURES ARE NUDE except Mankind! WHY?

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RE: What nudity Means To ME

Your replies are dead on. If we all could live in total nudity, this would be a much better and safer place. OF course the NRA would be upset because there would be no more concealed weapons. thank you for reinforcing my belief of a perfect world for nudists

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RE: What nudity Means To ME

Agree.accept and celebrate that the pretence and facade is gone

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