The Waning Weeks of Summer: Texas

It's depressing, to go outside at night and find the hot summer breezes not blowing anymore, and even though it's still warm during the day, I know it soon won't be.
I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Hippie Hollow (I live in Dallas) last month, although it was a little more expensive (gas wise) than what I'd like.
I know there are places around the DFW area, resorts and the like, that I'll visit once I get my new driver's license (just moved from Georgia). Problem is, with the weather going to get cooler, being nude outside is going to get uncomfortable.
I've had little success finding like-minded people to hang out with around here. I know that Dallas is filled with diversity, nudists being among them. Why is it so difficult for us to get together (without the strict social calendars and hosting whatevers of a non-landed club)?
It's perplexing....
Hope to hear from you fellow Texans...

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RE: The Waning Weeks of Summer: Texas

There are a number of friendly resorts in the Dallas area. I have been to two of them and will be back again in January. I do not know of any non-landed clubs, but I am sure a search of AANR would fix that.I am a member of a great club her in Austin, an AANR affiliate. We have events each month, plus a couple big events that people from all over Texas and Oklahoma come down to. Boat Party at Hippie Hollow is a great event that has over 100 nudists enjoying the day.
Head to a resort or two and see who ya meet. Best of luck.Stay Naked!

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RE: The Waning Weeks of Summer: Texas

I feel the same way you do bro.Such a big place no cool people. But then again the more people you have the more weirdos you have.

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