All excuses to hide are just excuses

I'm new to this group and I have been reading some of the past discussions.
I don't for a minute buy any of the excuses some nudists come up with for not showing their faces and nudity. If you are a true naturist, there is absolutely no reason why you should be ashamed of your nudity. If you are ashamed, how can you be a nudist? But then there are closet nudists, people who are nudists at heart but they don't want anyone else to know. Personally, I find it easiest to just let the whole world know I'm a naturist. I've informed everyone on Facebook which means everyone who knows me and those who don't, that I'm a naturist and when I go to a nudist place, I inform everyone and post photos too. Once I've done that, everything else is so easy. When friends discover my nude photos online, it's no big deal because everyone knows. I can also share pics I take at lovely nudist places openly with people. I posted this photo on Facebook and nobody complained. But of course you have to be careful with Facebook. If there is a complaint, they will take down the photo and they may suspend your account too.

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RE: All excuses to hide are just excuses

Well you don't pull any punches, nakedrebble. There are 11 great nude photos in your profile. But knowing another nudist is not just about seeing their naked body. To me a truly open nudist has nothing to hide. So why not tell us a bit about yourself in your profile.

I'm retired and everyone around me (nudist or textile) knows I'm a nudist. It did cause a stir when I stripped off in the village pub last week. I have over1200 nude photos of myself on this site and thousands more elsewhere on the internet.. Like Lucas (Leolucbx)I think it is a pity that most users only get to see a few of them - but the site has to cover its costs and seeing all the photos is an incentive to pay for its use. So I slip photos into discussions too. Am I an exhibitionist? Maybe but I feel that if I want to see others in the nude, they should be able to see me.

BUT it's easy being a nudist among other nudists or if, like me, you have nothing to lose. Unfortunately life isn't that simple for many. Some have sensitive jobs or narrow minded neighbours. Who are we to judge whether they are real nudists or not! Life is hard enough for them, finding it difficult to show they are not one of the fakes or voyeurs that a site like this inevitably attracts. And I DO accept their reasons for being careful and hiding their identity. I am happy for anybody to see me naked. Let's just enjoy the company of our fellow TN members. Variety is the spice of life. Let us relish our differences.

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RE: All excuses to hide are just excuses

No, I don't prescribe a set of rules for nudists. If you read the original post, I begin by saying I can't understand excuses but I went on to say this: "But then there are closet nudists, people who are nudists at heart but they don't want anyone else to know." I'm making allowance for closet nudists. I'm saying I can't understand excuses but at the same time, I'm saying there are closet nudists. My not understanding them is not the same as being dogmatic or tyrannical. I can't understand why anyone would enjoy smoking a cigarette but that's not the same as telling everyone to stop smoking. And then for the rest of my post, I spoke about what I did and what I found easier to do. Again, that's about me and it's not a command that others must do the same.
One of the reasons why I posted this has a lot to do with events that have taken place in the island of Penang recently. Penang is an island in Malaysia, a highly politicised Islamic country. Recently, agroup of my friends went to a deserted beach in Penang and they had a great nude time there. One of them took videos and posted them on vimeo. These people are not ashamed to show their faces and nudity online. What happened was the video went viral and the Malaysian government was furious. They charged all the nudists in court even though nobody saw them nude. Some of them who had no recourse to legal advice pleaded guilty and they were jailed from one month to six months.
As it turns out, there is a lot of quibble on this but the better view is that Malaysian law has no provision for the conviction of anyone who was naked but was not seen at the time he was naked. In this case, people only saw the videos long after the event. Muslim groups in Malaysia (about a dozen of them) were the ones who lodged police reports against the nudists.
So, when I saw recently on a nudist forum someone in America saying that he couldn't show his face in photos he posted because the public might frown on his actions, I found it hard to understand his reason. But of course my inability to understand someone's reason is not the same as my "forcing" someone to accept my understanding. To me, surely someone living in America must be freer than me. I live in Singapore and I'm surrounded by Muslim countries. And Singapore is a very conservative country with draconian laws. Nudity is a crime even in your own home if someone outside happens to be able to see you from outside your home. Naturally, it's much harder for me to understand someone who lives in America who says his face must always be concealed in pics.
But I don't impose my views on others. Everyone I know who has gone to the same schools as I or who attends the same church is NOT a nudist. The only nudists I know are people I've met in nudist forums. But every one of my friends knows I'm a nudist. I'm perfectly open about it. But obviously I don't impose. I'm more used to living with non-nudists.

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RE: All excuses to hide are just excuses

Hi Ollygrumps,
Thanks and I'm glad you like my photos. But they are no where near your thousands of photos.
Since you asked, I live in Singapore and I would like to think of myself as a novelist except that I haven't got a single book to my name. I do like to travel and I'm definitely going for the London WNBR next summer. I'm going to bring with me a good camera with a monopod so I can take lots of selfies. I really want photos of myself nude in front of the Big Ben and the parliament. Oh and Tower Bridge too. I can't find a single person to go with from Singapore. There is someone who has decided to become a nudist after talking to me but he's in the Singapore Armed Forces and he's worried that his photos may appear online. They probably will. As I explained in my post before this, I don't impose on other people and I have not arm twisted him to go with me to London.
If none of my friends from Singapore will go to the bike ride with me, I shall go alone. The good thing about doing a WNBR in London is there are a lot of other WNBR events around the same time. This year, the Oxford WNBR was just one day after London. There's Brighton and the other attractive one is in Amsterdam. I saw a lovely photo of all participants standing in front of the Concertgebouw. I would like a photo of me in front of that renowned concert hall. My musician friends would be most impressed.

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RE: All excuses to hide are just excuses

TN is a site for nudists with many different attitudes to how publicly they wish to be recognized as such, as well as being for those interested in nudism, plus those who just come here to see nude people. This group is "for people who not afriad to show full nude pictures". Like others above in this thread I see nothing to be ashamed about being seen completely nude and recognizable and don't mind who sees me naked, or finds out that I'm a nudist. I like to share my nudist photos as they show how I enjoy being nude and where I spend time naked. I enjoy seeing other nudists photos for similar reasons and prefer seeing ones which show them fully nude, a face makes a lot of difference to me, thanks to those here who do this.
I've mentioned elsewhere that my partner has work-related reasons for her not being nude online. The two of us are on opposite sides of what this thread discusses, we understand completely why the other feels differently. At home we are both nude a lot of the time, we have a group of nudist friends who we socialise with quite a lot and we are usually all nude in our homes then. We have some textile friends who occasionally socialise with the nudist friends, sometimes we do so in a clothing optional situation. Of the nudists not all will be nude when we mix like this, some of us will take the opportunity to be naked whenever we can be, so some of them will be nude in these mixed situations. I'm relaxed about being nude with textiles, others less so, much like members of TN have different takes on how they feel about being nude in both real life and online for anyone to see them.

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RE: All excuses to hide are just excuses

Thanks. But it's not so bad living in Singapore because at least it's a secular state. Conservative but secular. What happened in Penang can only happen in a Muslim country and Malaysia is a Muslim country. The same friends of mine have gone nude on Singapore beaches and there were videos of it too but the police in Singapore didn't bother to act. They will only act if you are seen naked and someone calls the police. And Singapore wants an image that it is progressive because that is good for business. So the last thing it will do is to make a scene of such things. But still it's nothing like in less conservative countries. You can never hold a Naked Bike Ride in Singapore for example. Spencer Tunick can't do a photo shoot in Singapore either. LOL.
So, I'll have to go to abroad for a naked bike ride. And I'm training hard for it. LOL

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