RE:Longest time spent nude

It's always fun and enjoyable to remain nekkid for multiple days in a row continuously.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Since my post regarding Covid and the lockdown, we haven't traveled too much until recently. We take short trips and visit our club in the motorhome. Those trips and including just normal life here at home, we typically go 3-5 days of being naked before having to put on clothes. My wife will slip on a sundress to visit the mailbox but that's about it. We, like many here, get emails that gives us images of what is in the mailbox daily. If we see its just junk, she won't get dressed to get the mail that day.

For us, anymore, we are naked most all the time, each day. We can go several days without having to dress and that happens on a regular basis. When we do visit places, we've never been before, we have our hotel room, our RV or other accommodations were we stay to enjoy our nude life but aren't obsessed with trying to stay naked for days on end.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

For me, only just shy of 24 hours! One day, though, Im hoping to be able to extend that way out!

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RE:Longest time spent nude

For me, only just shy of 24 hours! One day, though, Im hoping to be able to extend that way out!

Would it be possible to eliminate the brief time dressed some day and get to one day and two nights for 30 some hours?

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Would it be possible to eliminate the brief time dressed some day and get to one day and two nights for 30 some hours?

Im sure. I would certainly like to!

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Would it be possible to eliminate the brief time dressed some day and get to one day and two nights for 30 some hours?Im sure. I would certainly like to!

With just a little preplanning on your part, you could make it happen.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Would it be possible to eliminate the brief time dressed some day and get to one day and two nights for 30 some hours?Im sure. I would certainly like to!

I have done 1 day and 2 nights several times and 2 days and 3 nights once. Currenlt goal is 4 days and 5 nights.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Entre la ncessit de sortir en milieu non naturiste et le fait d'avoir parfois des visites non naturistes que la nudit drange, les occasions furent rares, mme dans les centres naturistes qui m'ont servi de camps de base pour visiter une rgion. C'est toutefois dans ce genre de structure que je suis rest nu jusqu' trois jours, raison pour laquelle je prfre choisir les centres de grande superficie.Chez moi, le record est de36heures environ: je me couche nu ( c'est l'habitude) et je suis rest nu toute la journe du lendemain et la nuit suivante.Que du bonheur!

Again here:

Between the necessity of going out in a non-naturist environment and the fact that I sometimes have non-naturist visits that the nudity disturbs, the opportunities were rare, even in the naturist centers that served as base camps for me to visit an area. However, it was in this kind of structure that I stayed naked for up to three days, which is why I prefer to choose large centers. At home, the record is about 36 hours: I go to bed naked (it's usual) and I stay naked all the time.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

depends on what we need from wallmart we can go a week then dress for wallmart for a couple hours only

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RE: Longest time spent nude

Unfortunately, some commitments have arisen that will keep me from achieving 100 hours continuously nude.Why not make a commitment to YOURSELF to set aside a time for you to achieve your goal of 100 hours of continuous nudity? If someone else asks you to do something during that time frame, tell them you have prior commitments to take care of. They don't have to know what you will be doing. You have set a goal to accomplish but keep letting others take priority over what You want to do.

I really tried to convince my son and wife to have our grandson here for 2 extra weeks instead of 3. My wife knew I wanted a nude week. my son did not. However, they both insisted that our grandson should come as soon as his mother wanted him to.

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