RE:Longest time spent nude

Three days at a resort in Texas. Amazing time!

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Three days is a decent stretch of time. Will you be trying to outdo that time later?

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Always looking for the perfect opportunity to be nude for a long time!

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Always looking for the perfect opportunity to be nude for a long time!

It doesn't necessarily Have to be a "perfect opportunity", just good enough will work for me.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

This week has been a typical week for us. I've been naked since last Sunday afternoon. We were out of town and spent the night. I got naked for the drive home. We got home around 3p, and we unloaded the car.

We did have a couple of outings planned but they got cancelled so we didn't have to leave the house. Here it is, Thursday and we will finally put on some clothes to walk down to the park to watch the fireworks show. We'll be dressed for about 2-3 hrs, then home and naked again through the weekend.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Do you have a goal for how long?An entire month would be GREAT if I could do it, preferably longer.

Any progress on this?

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Not yet.

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RE:Longest time spent nude

Bump it back up!!!

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RE:Longest time spent nude


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RE:Longest time spent nude


Why not?

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