Dogs and clothing
Ever notice how when people put those humanoid type clothing on dogs for a gag just how glad they are to shed them and get back to their usual nude state? After you get to a habit of being nude, it seems you can much better understand your dog's feelings about wearing clothes. It is just foreign!
But people do note that for very cold conditions or even for very hot and extreme sun conditions, protection may be necessary and even your most diehard nudist is going to put on clothing when it gets down near freezing. But if you will also notice, some dogs even seem to like clothing designed for dogs for protection from the cold and don't seem mind wearing it. Some dogs do OK with foot protection (doggy shoes) in places where it is extremely hot and walking on pavement can burn right thru a dogs foot pads.
I live out of town, with a bit of space. Dogs are so observant. When I get dressed, it's like, Oh yeah - what's going on - where are we going. She knows I'm going off the property in the car and is ready to go.Footwear is another thing they watch, must be going for a walk :)