Travelites a/k/a Travelites Nudist Retreat

Hot tub is set at a lovely 102. The sun is shining. We will be closing the pool within the next few days, but you are welcome to visit for any of the special events or other times. Just give us a call. If it's chilly outside, there's always a hot tub. Ours is always on and set to 102. When the cooler weather visits we have potluck suppers.
Oct 11 - Oktoberfest, wine & beer tasting
Oct 18 - Founder's Day Celebration
Nov 1 - Halloweeen
Nov 15 - Thanksgiving celebration w/deep fried turkey
Dec 6 - Lobster Bash/Oyster Roast & Winter Holiday Party
Dec 20 - Last Hot tub party of the year
Dec 31 - New Years

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