Man not afraid
Feeling Masculine! A masculine man sits legs open with his manhood pronounced for all to see, no leg up, or closing the legs as a woman or a man looks his way! Feel proud to have that is what's between your legs, feel proud to let it be seen!
- 10 years ago
IMHO "nudism" is about doing things you would normally do . . . . . only naked.
If you wouldn't normally sit with your "manhood pronounced" it doesn't make you any more of a nudist much less "masculine" to do so nude.
- 10 years ago
I agree with both points of view. Yes a nudist just does what he would be doing anyhow, but without clothes. And Yes there is no point in hiding our most intimate parts. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
- 10 years ago
By the way, Men usually sit with legs apart when clothed. It is more comfortable.
- 10 years ago
Is being nude in any way adding or taking away from your masculinity???? NO! So why do things on purpose to be "masculine". Do you need to define what masculine is? Or redefine it?
So go ahead and try to buck society and it's accepted norms (whether you agree with it or not)... and you'll probably end up in jail or labeled a sexual predator or both! Or sexual deviant. What's the use of taking one step forward for nudity and then two steps back because you have something to "prove".
My two cents....
- 10 years ago
Feeling Masculine! A masculine man sits legs open with his manhood pronounced for all to see, no leg up, or closing the legs as a woman or a man looks his way! Feel proud to have that is what's between your legs, feel proud to let it be seen!
I agree completely. Men naturally sit with their legs spread open because of dick/balls - it's the way we're designed. Living naked all the time it's the only way to sit and be comfortable. I also have heavy balls that need room - which is only one of the reasons I also never wear underwear and wear looser pants or trousers. The best most comfortable is sitting naked legs spread wide open eating breakfast or dinner. I'd never sit down to eat (at home) any other way. The bigger picture is that living naked is the only completely natural and comfortable way to live - I think certainly for a man. Naked Man
- 10 years ago
It's a bit odd, reading your post about how you want to be proud of your manhood and let everyone see what's between your legs when your profile is private...? How are we going to look at you and admire your masculinity if we can't see it...?
- 8 years ago
It's a bit odd, reading your post about how you want to be proud of your manhood and let everyone see what's between your legs when your profile is private...? How are we going to look at you and admire your masculinity if we can't see it...?
So true!
- 8 years ago
Men sit and lie with legs apart when clothed or naked. It is for comfort so certain parts are not crushed between sweaty thighs. It has nothing to do with displaying our manhood, or hiding it. Nudity is about openness of the entire body. I too find it curious that the one who started this topic hides behind a closed (friends only) profile.
- 8 years ago