Profiles displayed in public

There has been quite a lot said here recently about TN members showing themselves fully nude and recognizable, something I'm in favour of if possible. The link is an article about an artist displaying people's profiles from a sex site, how would you feel about your TN nudist profile with your full nude photos being displayed publicly? Would it make any difference whether it was displayed in another country or very local to you?

Personally I don't think I'd mind. I wouldn't choose to put my TN profile up on the local park noticeboard or in a local art gallery, but I chose to share my nudism online, doing so makes it public. If anyone said anything after seeing my TN profile displayed locally I'd respond the same way when people ask about me being a nudist at other times. I'm open about it, I like being a nudist and don't see any need to hide it. However I don't put nude photos of myself up in local places, I'm not into imposing my nudity on others in places where its unwanted, so I ask myself why should someone else if they call it 'art'? I know that the naked human body is a work of art made by nature, but is there a point where fully open nudists have some right to privacy? We could all post each others TN profiles somewhere and call it 'art', I'm not suggesting that we do, how would you feel if that happened?

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

Wouldn't bother me a bit. I don't mind my nude body with face being seen at all. It's why my profile pic here is that type and visible to all. That being said, I could understand why people would be unhappy with their stuff ending up in a place they did not intend. But personally, the more I can share my nude self, hopefully the more it will rub off and there will be more nudist in the world. Yes...I am recruiting. :)

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

I have no problem with my photos appearing in public. I do post them on flickr and in blogs. And I live in a conservative country with stern laws and where most people stick to basic Confucian principles and that means covering up your body.
But I do try to treat my nude photos no differently from how I would treat my clothed photos. I can't hide my face or blot it out in a photo and then tell everyone that I truly do not treat nudity as unnatural and embarrassing. That would be dishonest and hypocritical.

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

There has been quite a lot said here recently about TN members showing themselves fully nude and recognizable, something I'm in favour of if possible. The link is an article about an artist displaying people's profiles from a sex site, how would you feel about your TN nudist profile with your full nude photos being displayed publicly? Would it make any difference whether it was displayed in another country or very local to you? I don't think I'd mind. I wouldn't choose to put my TN profile up on the local park noticeboard or in a local art gallery, but I chose to share my nudism online, doing so makes it public. If anyone said anything after seeing my TN profile displayed locally I'd respond the same way when people ask about me being a nudist at other times. I'm open about it, I like being a nudist and don't see any need to hide it. However I don't put nude photos of myself up in local places, I'm not into imposing my nudity on others in places where its unwanted, so I ask myself why should someone else if they call it 'art'? I know that the naked human body is a work of art made by nature, but is there a point where fully open nudists have some right to privacy? We could all post each others TN profiles somewhere and call it 'art', I'm not suggesting that we do, how would you feel if that happened?

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

you are right us nudist should be able to outside nude around our home if we chose to do . the laws are really againest us we really have no rights to be nude outside unless it at a private resort beach or other nudist friends places

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

Leolucbx, no problem. Perfectly all right to quote me. I truly feel that to be true but just in case I get accused of drumming my views into others, let me stress that it only applies to me myself. I know you share my view, though. :)

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

what I mean is that if we want to go nude outside our own homes or places we live at we should be able to with out someone calling police on us that happen to a friend of mine just going out to move his car in his garge someone called cops and had to pay a fine

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

This thread shows a certain maturity in approach to this subject but what concerns me is that there is no contribution from a female nudist. Would she have the same attitude if her TN profile was "stolen" and published elsewhere? I shall attempt to persuade one of my female nudist friends to contribute, if only under the umbrella of quotation marks. Oh, and for the record, I have got past the age of being concerned at what I display on the net.

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

This thread shows a certain maturity in approach to this subject but what concerns me is that there is no contribution from a female nudist. Would she have the same attitude if her TN profile was "stolen" and published elsewhere? I shall attempt to persuade one of my female nudist friends to contribute, if only under the umbrella of quotation marks. Oh, and for the record, I have got past the age of being concerned at what I display on the net.I agree that it would be good to get more contributions from female nudists, both in this group and elsewhere online.

Its a good feeling to have " past the age of being concerned at what I display on the net." No worries about being seen as a nudist online makes life much simpler, it doesn't matter who may find out about our nudism, we can be ourselves openly. It shouldn't matter about being seen nude, its not something to be embarrassed or ashamed about, its natural, but societys attitudes to it make it something many have to overcome, doing so is liberating.

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RE: Profiles displayed in public

I have no problem with my photos appearing in public. I do post them on flickr and in blogs. And I live in a conservative country with stern laws and where most people stick to basic Confucian principles and that means covering up your body.But I do try to treat my nude photos no differently from how I would treat my clothed photos. I can't hide my face or blot it out in a photo and then tell everyone that I truly do not treat nudity as unnatural and embarrassing. That would be dishonest and hypocritical.I agree with your attitude, nudity is natural and there's nothing to be embarrassed about being seen nude, hiding our faces isn't being open and totally honest about acknowledging our nudism. I treat my nude photos the same way as I do the clothed ones of me, I don't crop or blur my face in the clothed ones.
Though I'd be embarrassed to be seen clothed on TN, I wouldn't want people thinking I'm a textile, I might have to blur my face if I shared clothed photos of myself here! I've said this elsewhere, sometimes my clothed photos show me as looking uncomfortable in my opinion, I actually prefer sharing nude photos. I tend to think I look more relaxed nude in photos, I certainly appreciate the feeling of being relaxed that being a nudist brings.

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