Fall leaves

This is my favorite times of year to be a barefooter -- the cool breeze, the damp moss, the crunch of dry leaves underfoot. How many of you keep up barefooting in the fall? Do you have a favorite season?

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RE: Fall leaves

I just started carrying my flip flops instead of always wearing them this pass summer. I am looking forward to caring my shoes and feeling more of all the seasons. I am really enjoying driving barefoot. We my wife sees me outside without shoes on she calls me "country ass."LOL

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RE: Fall leaves

Given that footwear only really became common practice in the 20th century, it really is amazing how ingrained the practice became, to the point of ignoring the health issue and benefits from connectivity with the earth

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RE: Fall leaves

My feet get cold too easily. I usually give up flip flops by this time of year. I happened to wear them yesterday, but mostly have been wearing shoes lately

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