how young is to young

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  • 10 years ago
RE: no

We are born nude....

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  • 10 years ago
RE: no

that is very true.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

To young for what?
This is an open ended question you have posted.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

To young for what?This is an open ended question you have posted.
Yes I agree with you,Riverman. He should be more specific, orpeople could thinkthere is something more sinister and unnatural about his question.
Perhaps he could be kind enough to clarify this for us.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

Is it wrong to be chatting with 16 -20 year olds that have a profile here on TN and we are a lot older?

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

To young for what?This is an open ended question you have posted.
Yes I agree with you,Riverman. He should be more specific, orpeople could thinkthere is something more sinister and unnatural about his question.
Perhaps he could be kind enough to clarify this for us.He's not bothered to answer this, so one must now believe there IS something sinister about his question.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

Also, this made a mental image pop into my head.
In a delivery room, a woman has just given birth to her child. The doctor holds the baby up to show the mother...then starts yelling at the baby. "Your naked! What are you thinking, your too young!"

Well i thought it was rather funny, and ridiculous. ^_^ lol

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

How young is to young?For what?Driving?Sexting?Smoking?Drinking?Nudism/Naturism?Mowing The Lawn?Shaving?Etc, Etc, Etc . . . What Kinda Questions is That ? ? ?

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

How young is to young?For what?Driving?Sexting?Smoking?Drinking?Nudism/Naturism?Mowing The Lawn?Shaving?Etc, Etc, Etc . . . What Kinda Questions is That ? ? ?
Yes Hawk, what kind of question is it.The OP has had a couple of weeks to respond but has chosen not to.
Is this a sexually motivated question from someone with unhealthy thoughts ? We must now assume it is.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: how young is to young

Also, this made a mental image pop into my head.In a delivery room, a woman has just given birth to her child. The doctor holds the baby up to show the mother...then starts yelling at the baby. "Your naked! What are you thinking, your too young!"Well i thought it was rather funny, and ridiculous. ^_^ lol
In this case, it's ALL the mother's fault. She should have insisted on the child getting dressed BEFORE exiting the womb. If people were meant to be nude they would be born that way, LOL.
Still waiting on the OP to define what too young for WHAT is?

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  • 10 years ago