Liverpool tues 11th November

Will be at Premuer Inn city centre, if any guys fancy meeting up for some naked time.

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RE: Liverpool tues 11th November

Hi Mike: I will be in Liverpool that night and would enjoy spending some nude time with you

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RE: Liverpool tues 11th November

Will be at Premuer Inn city centre, if any guys fancy meeting up for some naked time.Hiya mate, Im about next Tuesday, would be good to meet up again.

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RE: Liverpool tues 11th November

Hi Mike: I will be in Liverpool that night and would enjoy spending some nude time with youCheers::SydneySounds good matey , have sent you a message:-)

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RE: Liverpool tues 11th November

Will be at Premuer Inn city centre, if any guys fancy meeting up for some naked time.Hiya mate, Im about next Tuesday, would be good to meet up again.Great stuff have sent you a message :-)

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