
Holy Lazarus thread! In the winter months we still have our non-landed club activities. Nude bowling every November and monthly house parties (although we only really go to the January one, since it is closer to where we live), monthly nude swims, and we add in an October trip to Cypress Cove and a February Bare Necessities nude cruise. You have to look a little harder in the winter, but there are options.

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There are monthly activities at Solair as well. We went to the Harvest dinner last Saturday, and had a great time. We are looking forward to the Halloween dance in a couple of weeks.

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Maybe not nude 24/7...but I understand the urge. And its never too cold if you put some thought into it.

Its still warm enough for daytime nudity here (Im in Tucson) and it will be for a few more weeks. After that, hot tubs and hot springs. A friend of mine and I had a New Years Day tradition for a while of a morning drive up to the hot springs. We were always hoping for a really cold day, mostly so we could pretend to be really tough. It didnt work, since we had a string of really mild New Years. Still, we were naked at the hot springs, so good.

I had another friend that I was with at a bar on a cold winter evening. She said, What do we do next? I said, We could hang out naked in a hot tub. She said, Yes! I took her up to the local nude club. It was, according to the thermometer in my car, around 29 degrees (cold for here). That was an awesome evening.

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Roll on springtime, when I can do some naked gardening. My favourite time of the year.

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Roll on springtime, when I can do some naked gardening. My favourite time of the year.

I'll agree with that!!

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Winter? We can't seem to get into Fall temps. Last weeks temps were in the low 90's and this week we're going to be in the mid 80's all week. We're headed to AZ this weekend for a few days. The temps there are roughly the same as they are here this week. Luckily, they are hardcore nudists like us and we'll be enjoying the sun all over our bodies! Might even take the boat out for a cruise on the lake.

With our temps being still quite warm, all our seasonal flowering plants are beginning to bloom once again. Our crepe myrtle tree is usually turning color right about now but it's quite green and the buds are ready to bloom once again! I love it warm, my wife, not so much. I call her my conflicted nudist. Loves being naked, loves the cold and needs to cover! ;DDD

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Since my nude time is generally restricted to the house, not really a change. I did put the garbage out this morning at 3 o'clock while totally bare in 18 degree F heat. Left bare footprints in the snow too.

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I stay naked just a mch as in the summer and jobs outside lasting less than an hour are usually OK naked in our local microclimate.

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Took the trash to the street just last week. There was little chance of being seen because the banks along the driveway and street were between four an five feet high. I left barefootprints in the new snow too.

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