YES! I would LOvE to help you paint or anything else nude! LOL I recently painted my house and boy what a mess with clothes on! I ruined several pants and shirts! If you need some help in the future, just give me about 1 month notice and I will see if I can schedule it in .... :)))
- 10 years ago
Sure I would help if I was available (not working) and it was someone close by
- 10 years ago
We've done similar things with nudist friends and met other nudists who were new to do us through doing it. Lots of activities like this are more fun done nude, like life in general, other than things that might need some protection due to the nature of the materials and tools used.
We probably do more of this type of thing with other nudists than textiles. Our social life becomes more and more nudist orientated the more we mix in nudist circles, a cycle we want to continue. So if only for that reason alone I think your idea is a good one. Sure your friends plan to move, whether that's local or longer distance should make no difference, as it will give the opportunity for other local nudists to maybe meet new like-minded people. Is there a better way to meet people than when everyone is nude?
- 10 years ago
wish we lived closer we would be there
- 10 years ago
With all the positive response given, if everyone WERE to show up for this, the house could be painted in 30 minutes or so. Make sure to have plenty of brushes and rollers and all of the paint needed so you don't have to run out for more.
- 10 years ago
that would be great and a lot of fun, i do all my work around home nude.
- 10 years ago
sometumes back, i helped my friend in painting his house. we both are nudist and did all the paint and cleaning Naked. had great fun
- 10 years ago
would love to help any nudist with there painting as I always paint naked
- 10 years ago
The subj of painting was discussed before we even got married. Luann likes to paint and always finds a new thing to paint. I was slave painting labor growing up and I hate it. So Luann happily does the painting----]nude. I have grown to like painting now :)
- 10 years ago
I'm painting an apartment in Vera Playa, Spain in December and I will be doing it naked in return for free accommodation. I'm happy to do it anywhere in UK or warm parts of Europe as long as there is a bed for the night.
- 10 years ago