RE: What was your first nude male bonding experience?

I was on a camp out with 3 guys my age ... middle schoolers ... we were sitting around talking about the usual guy stuff ... girls, sex, and body parts ... one of the guys said let's go skinny dipping in the pond ... none of us were very shy, so we all said let's do it ... after that we lay out naked in the sun to dry off ... of course the warm sun caused all of us to get hard ... which led to a jack off session ... after that, whenever the 4 of us were together we got naked and enjoyed being naked together. that went on through upper school years. In college I've had roomies who love being naked too, which has made college very enjoyable. that's how male bonding started with me.naked male bonding with a roommate.. totally a blast. My best friend crashed with me for a few months when he and his wife separated. I have to admit i was a little bummed when his wife came to her senses and asked him back. We used tohave a lot of fun actinglike we were in college again.. He'd jump in the shower with me in the mornings, walk around with a boner showing it off or of course the typical tea night we got totally drunk jerked off ( or at least tried .. but we both could bone but we couldn't climax) we went to bed all bummed.. next morning he's naked in bed spooning me from behind.. with a ragin bone...the funniest part was we got up .. he slaps my ass and saysthat ass felt good last night!( of course he was kidding but there was second or twowhere i was worried)

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RE: What was your first nude male bonding experience?

My first nude male bonding experience happen when I was 12 and had to stay with out next door neighbor when my father had to drive my sister to her first year of college in NC.The neighbor caught me masturbating in his bathroom. He walked in nude only with a towel in hand to take a shower. One thing led to another and we both ended up taking a shower together. This big brother thing went on for another 6 years. Then my neighbor moved away when I was 18.

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RE: What was your first nude male bonding experience?

Beautiful story! How wonderful your experience was. Wow. Thank you for sharing.

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RE: What was your first nude male bonding experience?

Thank you all for sharing these stories. I'm glad my initial question has generated this much participation and stories. Makes me happy.

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RE: What was your first nude male bonding experience?

Great story! Sure wish I would have had a neighbor like Phil when I was a kid that age!!

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RE: What was your first nude male bonding experience?

It looks like many of us were around 12 when it happened. I was around 12 also, I lived out in the country and my closest neighbor was a couple of years younger than me. He and I used to play "Show my yours and I'll show you mine." We then progressed to wrestling and the winner would take the losers pants off. (I sometimes lost on purpose.) Later we began skinny dipping in a nearby creek. One day I remember telling him that I learned I could do something he couldn't do yetand proceeded to masturbate. After that I would do that in front of him quite often and sometimes he would do me. I would do him but he couldn't cum yet. He did seem to enjoy it though. He was a good friend, but I lost track of him after college. I think we both learned much about our bodies during that time.

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RE:What was your first nude male bonding experience?

When I was about 11/12 I used to always have a sleepover at my best friend's house. We would stay up until about 10:30 and be silent for 30 minutes until we were sure that his parents were asleep.

We wouldo then proceed to play dares with dares such as " I dare you to masterbate for 5 rounds straight." Or "I dare you to sleep naked over the blanket." We would have consequences such as 10 second hand jobs to the other person.

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RE:What was your first nude male bonding experience?

My first male bonding experience was also my first socially nude experience. I was 10 and joined the YMCA. All swimming was nude so I swam with a hundred other males buck naked. They ranged in age form 6 to 60 and maybe a little older. We played Peter Tag, a game you grab the other guys penis to tag him it. We also played Minnows and Sharks and lots of other bonding games. So if you can call swimming naked and playing games with 100 other males bonding and I feel it was , then that was my first.

A close second and with no doubt we bonded was when I was 12 at the same YMCA. I met a friend and between swims, open swims were separated by swim classes, so you always had to wait out for the next open swim, unless you were part of that particular swimming class. But during our waiting this other boy and I would go to the fitness room. We were not old enough to handle any weights, but they had mats on the floor so we could wrestle. We wrestled nude between open swims. Most boys didn't bother to put clothes back on between swims. So you could see naked boys in the game room, handball courts even playing basketball. It gave a whole new meaning to shirts vs skins. I can remember the first time in Junior High when our coach told us we were playing shirts and skins, I almost freaked out, until I realized he only meant shirtless not clothesless. But my 12 year old buddy and I became close until eventually I had to move again leaving him and our wrestling matches behind.

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RE:What was your first nude male bonding experience?

It was great reading all these experiences. Being nude with other boys was not as bonding but purely sexual in nature.

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RE: What was your first nude male bonding experience?

Mine was at age 12. A kid two years older than me would sometimes watch me and my sister. He already hit puberty so he decided to show me what happens when everything down there matures. From there when he came over we would hang out in my room, ditch our shorts and briefs, watch tv, chat, and stroke. Wasnt romantic in any sense, no kissing anything like that. Just bonding.

So you stroke each other or jest self?

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