Hello Everyone, we're new and curious

My wife and I are interested in the nudist and naturist lifestyle. We love the philosophy and freedom. Both of us grew up living with strong body shame, it's something we still struggle with. We've also grown up with what we now believe to be unhealthy attitudes towards sex.
As we grow together and become more comfortable and intimate, we have been exploring these issues and have become interested in the practice of nudism.
We are not yet comfortable enough to go out and try this in public, but it's something we may one day do. We want to find a community of people to talk to and explore our thoughts and feelings with.
We both agree that US culture has VERY unhealthy attitudes towards sex and the body. We are growing feminists as well, trying to overcome the unhealthy attitudes and gut feelings that have been programmed into us from growing up in this culture.
When I was younger, I had unhealthy attitudes towards women and sex. I did not respect women properly and did not treat sex as the intimate and special thing that it is. I would objectify women, see them as sexual objects to be conquered, and this has deeply hurt myself and my wife, not to mention the women I was involved with.
Today I am trying to learn and grow and get over all of this with the help of my wife. I've come a long way, and so has she. We are becoming more and more comfortable with ourselves, our bodies, our sexuality. We are openly feminist and speak out whenever we can against objectifying women and would like to see a change in our culture.
Lately we've come to see that one of the biggest and most unhealthy attitudes in our culture is the equating of nudity with sex. We are trained to see the body as a sexual object to be used, especially women's bodies. This is unhealthy and wrong. We believe that this is one of the many reasons our culture has such a problem with sexual harassment, sexual assault, and child sexual abuse. To see a body as automatically "naughty" is unhealthy, when it should be seen as natural and beautiful and non-sexual.
We think that our bodies can be sexual, but only when we choose to make them that way, with partners they trust, and we are hoping that exploring the nudist lifestyle will help us to separate the idea of nudity and sex, so that we can have a more healthy attitude.
We hope to talk and share with you here, to learn and grow, and better understand how the nudist lifestyle and philosophy can help us.

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