Naked massage

Looking forward to my naked full body massage tomorrow. It's with a different guy so it will be good to see who does it best. Can't believe I've managed to find 2 masseurs in the same town who offer naked massage. This guy is slightly more expensive but it's for a longer session.

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RE: Naked massage

Looking forward to my naked full body massage tomorrow. It's with a different guy so it will be good to see who does it best. Can't believe I've managed to find 2 masseurs in the same town who offer naked massage. This guy is slightly more expensive but it's for a longer session.Got to say that yesterdays massage was fantastic. It was more of a physio/sports massage style but it really cleared the tightness in my legs and glutes as well as getting rid of the knots in my back. Feel like I could run a yoga class today. The masseur was great and though he doesn't have many clients who go nude, he said he actually appreciates it more as he doesn't have to faff about pulling down the waistband of briefs or hitching up the leg to get to the glutes etc. He wishes more guys were up for having their treatments in the buff. I did get a bit excited when he was massaging the front of my thighs and his hands brushed past my cock or balls, but he took it all in his stride. Wasn't phased at all. A true professional. Already thinking about when I can book in next months. Steve

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