Asian Sperm Donor in California, USA

Hello, every-BODY! I'm an American of Chinese ethnicity living in the South Bay in San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA. I have brown eyes, black straight (and really thick) hair, and fair complexion. I'm also a first-time sperm donor.
Currently, I will accept recipients who are currently living in northern and central California, USA. I have no STDs and I have STD test result to prove so. Likewise, I expect you to show me STD test to prove you are free from STDs. (We must make sure there's no transmission of STDs between us.)
Preferably, the sperm recipient can be a woman of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Lao, Cambodian, Thai, Burmese, Filipino, Mongolian, Malay, Indonesian, or Hmong (also known in China as Miao) ethnicity, or a woman of mixed ancestry with part East Asian or Southeast Asian ancestry. (Sorry, I do not accept men as sperm recipients.) However, I'm open to women of all backgrounds (including Middle Eastern, African, South Asian, Native American, and Pacific Islander women).
If you, the ladies, are interested, please send me a message. Also, don't just say "hello" or write a short greeting; instead, write down your introduction, purpose, expected outcome and other important details. I look forward to hear from you soon. Thank you for attention and understanding.

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