RE: The Date and Venue

how many are open to attend the meet, in orissa, in first week of April?

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RE: The Date and Venue

First week of April is right for me. That would be great, since I won't be available in March.

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RE: The Date and Venue

can some one tell would be Orissa sea beach in early April?

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RE: The Date and Venue

hi dear nudists....lets fixed our date in 1st week of April i.e 3,4,and 5 th April 2015 being the fri,sat and sun (weekend)....Hope all can manage it and the weather will also be nice to us....whts say Soonachand,Suhrit and Sarat....we all r anxiously waiting for the dates...

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RE: The Date and Venue

I hope it will be ok with my schedule...and will try my best to be there....anyway, we will never have dates for 100% attendance. Program should take place. Requesting SC to take a lead role in planning INUDE 2015.
Lets form a committee with region wise point persons. Sub committee to take care of daily program.

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RE: The Date and Venue

Any weekend seems good as long as I'm around. Unless I'm travelling or posted elsewhere for work, April 1st week sounds great!

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RE: The Date and Venue

can some one tell would be Orissa sea beach in early April?Having spent 4-5 years in Odisha, I can say just one thing.. its going to be pretty hot and dry. Temperatures go upto 35 degrees but beaches(coastal areas) will be much more bearable and pleasant. It's breezy and pleasant generally after sunset.

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RE: The Date and Venue

1234ray, thanks for the info

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RE: The Date and Venue

lets make the dates final...wht say Sarat

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RE: The Date and Venue

SC has to decide the dates in consultation with our host.
@SC, please decide fast and fix.

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