I've had people on here who I had just friended who wanted to meet up very soon, that I have a problem with, people on TrueNudists should have patients, but meanwhile get to know each other through TrueNudists and through other sites before meeting up in person in a public place.
I think that whilst many people on here are genuine, there are a huge majority that are fakes. Also, TN has not set the parameters of the site properly and many people think this is some dating/swinger web site.Us single men get the raw end of the stick with many couples/ladies thinking we are only after some sexual thing from them. As a result of this, I also joined British Naturism (and I believe there is an equivalent in the States) which often has "meets and greets" where people in local areas meet up at a pub (or other social venue) and just get to know each other. I think people need to be comfortable with people before they start taking their clothes off so keep in there and it will happen.
I agree with you on the fakes here and single guys getting a bad rap.....we all get labeled because of some guys want to use this as a sex dating site. I am a home nudist and have gone to a resort a couple times and have been welcomed greatly, even though I am single....I am here mostly to make new friends to chat with.
I agree with you on the fakes here and single guys getting a bad rap.....we all get labeled because of some guys want to use this as a sex dating site. I am a home nudist and have gone to a resort a couple times and have been welcomed greatly, even though I am single....I am here mostly to make new friends to chat with.
With single guys you should include guys with non-participating partners. And yes, this site gets misused enough to make me at times wonder if I wish to continue here. I would guess that the first place to meet people in public face to face would be at a nudist gathering.
What's the problem with people on here, why wonty they commit to meet other nudists in their area? Are we a threat to their privacy, I really would like to know?
There are a lot of factors that go into whether anyone would want to meet or maintain friendships. Just because people will discuss their nudity in a public forum, doesn't mean they are up for meeting anyone at anytime for nude get togethers. I suspect that people that do meet have reviewed the other parties profile and private emails and feel there is a common ground to maintain friendships. This is not exactly a free for all.
And yes, some come off as a threat to privacy and other things when information has been exchanged. Just the nature of things.
Suspect that I will be meeting an older gentleman from this site - who lives in the same town that I do - sometime soon. It is like getting into the water...sometimes you just take things slow. Even as a 60 year old you want to be safe and cautious.
I have also met several people from here and have had each one over to my house. It helps that I live alone and have a hot tub to enjoy. Each meeting has been great and several have made return trips with more planned.
As I have said before. Hot Tubs...Build it and they will come.
I defiantly want to meet and have friends close by that are nude. But it is no different then meeting and becoming friends with people that are clothed, which all of are of my friends to date are. I would like to get to know the person first and see if we have similar interest. I find the best way for me to do that is to meet the person on Skype and chat some. You will know in time if a friendship will develop and take it from there. But if you send me a Skype request and I don't know you are from TN, then I most likely won't except. So message me here on TN first and I will do the same before I sent anyone a Skype request as well. Thank you
- What's the problem with people on here, why wonty they commit to meet other nudists in their area? Are we a threat to their privacy, I really would like to know?
......................i would love to meet ppl from here in person but i can't seem to find many who even wanted to Skype, i haven't been back to a resort since joining tn in aug, i think i'm safe, not completely insane and i must be who i say i am for on a couple of dating sites i was verified by confirmed.com in calif by my drivers lic, also am a pd certified member here and on ts, if you would like to Skype or meet feel free to contact me, stay naked Ruhl