Usual at Home Beer

What is your usual at home beer to drink for everyday purposes? Myself, I usually drink Busch, but sometimes splurge on Budweiser on the weekends. The local bars here have Bud and Busch for the same price, so I drink Buds when at the bars.

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

Ooooo...on occasion I'll grab a six of Miller High Life and get it ICE cold for nastalgic reasons. I really don't have an everyday beer anymore. I can't even taste most of the macro brews anymore. I supose if I had to grab a beer to sit on the sofa and watch a ball game...a good Irish ale like Smithwicks or (I know there's haters out there, but...) I still like a Sam Adams Boston Lager from time to time.

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

I like those Boston Lagers too. I may have to pick up a sixer of them this weekend, for a treat for myself.The Busch I buy now, comes in 30 packs, so I try to keep some in the fridge for when I want some.

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

Harpoon IPA for me. Harpoon is a brewery in Vermont, near where I live. Great beer!!

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

There's nothing like a good English Real Ale for me. Anything from my friends brewery and yes he sells it too, it can be bought in local Pubs :-)

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

There's a place in town called Beer Run. They carry all of the local brews and hundred of US and world beers. I love picking up something new to try at home. One of my new favorites are the sour brews which, if you haven't tried, I recommend. They're awesome.

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

Usually either Yuengling, PBR, or Straub for me.

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

Me? I'm a total beer snob, and collect craft beers. I have 3 beer fridges in the basement.....a horrible hobby to be honest (expensive). My father was from Munich so I grew up drinking beers over dinner. For me, my standard home beer is Weihenstephaner Original or Pilsner. A good beer for everyday. I do love my Stouts, Porters and Dooplebocks too. Not a big fan of IPA's, but I do like the Imperial IPA's. This is why I combat my beer and chocolate habits.

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

Usually Busch in 16 oz. cans. It's convenient for carrying around outside. Inside, it's home brew, leaning towards IPAs. On tap now are a Colonial Brown ale, an Imperial IPA and a Rye IPA with a Russian Imperial Stout ready for kegging. I love this hobby!!

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

Guinness Stout, or Blue Moonusually. Depends onmy mood. ^^

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RE: Usual at Home Beer

Ooooo...on occasion I'll grab a six of Miller High Life and get it ICE cold for nastalgic reasons. I really don't have an everyday beer anymore. I can't even taste most of the macro brews anymore. I supose if I had to grab a beer to sit on the sofa and watch a ball game...a good Irish ale like Smithwicks or (I know there's haters out there, but...) I still like a Sam Adams Boston Lager from time to time.I'm an ice cold Miller High Life beer drinker too! As an everyday beer I love it. Got to be in bottles. When friends are over I try to find a Porter.

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